Why tell stories? Because they work. This year I’ve decided to incorporate storytelling into every part of my life: my business, my marriage, and my parenting. The results speak for themselves.
[01:20] The podcast investigates the effectiveness of using storytelling as a marketing tool.
How to incorporate storytelling in email marketing?
[02:32] Using stories to ensure better results in teams:
- By just telling them a story, telling them what I’ve dealt with in the past and what the result was. And they seem to resonate with that and take the right action. And they can kind of put themselves in my shoes rather than me just giving them orders or giving them directions.
[04:00] What are stories?
- Storytelling is one of those principles because of the way the brain evolved over the years. You know, if we used fingers to grip on things and we use stories to grip on ideas and actions. And it’s universal in how stories make us feel.
- There’s a saying by Miyamoto Musashi, he was a samurai sword maker. And he said something like, “I hear and I remember. I do and I understand.”
- So the story is basically the difference between someone hearing you and actually doing what you want them to do.
[07:42] Storytelling as a marketing tool:
- I don’t think people will listen to your data until you tell a story.
- It actually doesn’t work the other way around, you can’t start with your data and then launch into a story. You have to start a conversation with a story and then give the data to almost back up why the story you told was true.
- Stories are so effective because we carry a point or a message through the hero that’s living the story. And that’s powerful because that is better than making a claim.
[09:36] Book and Movie Recommendations by Igor:
- The War of the Roses is an amazing movie. The idea is he gets the guy to sit down and listen to a story about another couple divorcing and not being able to agree on the terms of the divorce. That makes the guy not want to get a divorce.
- The story is convincing for him. And that’s an amazing lesson of what great storytelling can do.
- There is a great book that I highly recommend, it’s called “Lead with Story by Paul Smith”. This is a book for getting teams to achieve things together and to lead people to achieve bigger projects.
- The same author wrote another book, it’s called “Sell with a Story”.
[17:48] How to resonate with your audience?
- The key to resonating with your audience and making yourself more credible and really getting them to listen and understand and trust you is to really have a story somewhere in your copy, somewhere in your conversation, or your sales letter, or your video, or some way relay a story that then can tie them into the action that you want them to take.
[20:45] Telling a story that converts:
- You don’t need to be an incredibly powerful storyteller to experience the benefit of storytelling in your business, your marketing, or your life.
- It always just starts with a character, be it yourself or someone who you’re telling the story about. And you just plainly say where they start, what they’re trying to achieve, what obstacle they’re bumping along the way, and how they overcome the obstacle.
- I started out and my storytelling skills were really poor because I would generalize things. I would literally give you the summary of the story, not the story itself. It took me a little while to figure it out.
[21:47] List Building Lifestyle Podcast:
- Listen to more episodes at www.listbuildinglifestyleshow.com.