If Everyone Is Thinking The Same Way, No One Is Thinking With Mike Martin

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If you’re thinking about getting into entrepreneurship but don’t know how or where to start then you’re at the right place! In this episode, Mike Martin is going to spill all the beans for you. You will get an insight into how he began his entrepreneurial journey, how you can develop a business mindset, and keep yourself motivated to thrive in the market.

Guest: Mike Martin is a self-made millionaire, an online entrepreneur, a software creator, and the author of the up-and-coming book called “In A World Full of Sheep, Fuck You, I’m an Entrepreneur”. 

[00:33] In this episode, Igor is joined by Mike Martin to discuss where we are going as a society and what we can do about it on an individual level to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

[01:12] How did it all begin for Mike?

  • I’ve been doing this for 15 years now. I started out as a general tradesman out on the road, breaking into our seasons and cars as a locksmith.

  • Over the years I realized I couldn’t make any money because I didn’t know Google Ads. So I learned that then I learned SEO and so on and so forth.

[02:05] The problem with society:

  • Everything from religion, the way up to politics is kind of designed as a control mechanism to teach people to follow and do as they are told.

  • They’re trying to develop a world of sheep, a world of people who follow all the rules, do as they are told, finish school, get a nine-to-five job and help society in general which doesn’t really help them as an individual.

[02:50] In A World Full of Sheep, Fuck You, I’m an Entrepreneur:

  • I believe that if people had had this book 25 years ago, I’d have made millions a hell of a lot quicker.

  • All the rules I’ve learned over the last 15 to 20 years of making mistakes and making mistakes and losing money and ruining things have been put into this book.

  • The whole point of the book is to really help people to be able to pick it up, start in the first chapter, go through and step by step, go through the book whilst they’re building their own lives in a way that’s going to benefit them, not benefit everybody else.

[06:20] What is an entrepreneur?

  • Society has put the entrepreneur on a pedestal. 15 years ago, when I was first kicking off and trying to become successful, if I had turned around and said to somebody, I’m an entrepreneur, they’d have been like, are you a millionaire? And my answer would have been, no, but I’m an entrepreneur because I’m trying.

  • The reason the successful entrepreneur has been put on a pedestal is that society doesn’t understand what an entrepreneur is.

  • 60% of society is entrepreneurial, but they don’t get it. So instead of actually building something and growing it and then becoming successful with it, let’s say five times out of ten, they’re in a position where 99 times out of 100, they’re failing.

  • We all have our own crazy little business ideas, and we all try to stand on our own 2ft when we’re young when we’ve got nothing to lose until society beats us down into this thing.

  • It’s not all about making loads and loads of money. Even a lot of people like our entrepreneurs are focused entirely on making money. 

[08:53] Mike Martin’s daily routine:

  • I get up every morning, spend my mornings with my children, and take the eldest ones to school. I come into the office probably about 10:00. I have my team that does everything that needs to be done and I leave at two and then I’m at home when the kids get back from school.

  • I don’t want to trade my time for money anymore.

  • I do like to have something that gives me some sort of focus, something to do. So I come into the office for three or 4 hours a day. Not because I have to and not because I won’t make money to do that, but because I feel like you need to be driven with something.

[12:00] The education system needs to evolve:

  • The school system seems like it hasn’t really progressed since 1924 or something because let’s take the technology aspect of it.

  • They’ve got a 3d printer and smart boards that connect to a computer and lots of interesting things. They only spend about 1 hour a week on the computer, learning something that has to do with a computer.

  • We’re at a point in our development as a society, we’re going on our own and investing 3 hours into researching a topic, combining all the different pieces of information, and then coherently expressing it in the report is the scale of the previous century.

  • I really think they’re dropping the ball and I really think they’re stuck in the stone age.

  • If a teacher knew what we know, they wouldn’t be a teacher because they hardly get paid any money. We probably make more every month than they make every year, if not every week. 

[17:00] Mike Martin’s key to success:

  • You’ve got to work hard and you’ve got to focus, but you got to focus the right way.

  • So if there’s a shortcut that can be taken, then focus on the shortcut and cut that work level in half.

  • Too many people want to trade time for money and it’s completely wrong. The more time you spend to make money, the fewer opportunities you’ve got to be able to grow and scale. 

[20:00] The problem with school teachers:

  • For the most part, good teachers actually encourage their children in the class to ask questions. Then they teach them to memorize stuff. They don’t teach them to think, which is my biggest problem with schools.

  • You’re basically being told how to think. You’re not being encouraged to solve problems.

  • I think entrepreneurs, by their nature, are problem solvers. They’re really ambitious problem solvers. They’re not happy with the status quo. And most great entrepreneurial stories usually track back to a person who was unhappy about a status quo in a certain industry, in a certain way, right? Just like you were unhappy about something in your life that led you to start a business.

  • They really need to focus more on self-development principles than they do on math and how to use a calculator.

  • Kids come out of school, they have zero understanding of how the real world works, and they have zero tools to deal with the actual harshness of life because everyone is now a snowflake. They get offended about everything. 

[23:10] Why do some people get paid more than others?

  • Because they can be critical thinkers, they can problem solve, and they can create systems that have a much larger impact than the effort of one employee in that company.

[24:00] Can critical thinking be learned?

  • I do think that can be learned. And I think a lot of people like you were saying earlier about the sheet mentality about schools, it’s a control mechanism.

  • I believe almost anybody can learn to become a much more efficient thinker and can start looking at things from a bigger perspective rather than just thinking to themselves, this is how it’s done.

  • I believe anybody, even those that are not like that, naturally can actually learn to be like that, because if they taught it in school, we would have more entrepreneurs than we’d know what to do with. And I think that’s a real tragedy. 

[33:06] The fears that motivate you:

  • Most people get into entrepreneurship not because they’re trying to change the world.

  • You get into entrepreneurship or start your own business for reasons that are primarily monetary.

  • And with it, with this, comes another fear. The fear of being without money again, the fear of poverty. And that fear is so dominant, that fear is so prevalent, that fear is so gripping that even after you’ve made your first million, you still can’t really believe it.

  • So every morning I wake up and I wake up as if I’m poor. And that’s been the reality of the first seven, maybe nine years of my journey. 

[37:48] Learn more about Mike Martin:



Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.

He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list

He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.

Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.