Earning a decent income from YouTube is tough but not when you have all the strategies laid down. Tune in to learn the most effective ways to promote your YouTube channel, and affiliate products, and grow your email list from the No.1 Go High-Level affiliate marketer himself!
Guest: Jason Wardrop is the No.1 Go High-Level affiliate marketer who also owns a SaaS company for real estate agents.
[00:00] The podcast explores the most effective tips and strategies to monetize and retarget your YouTube subscribers to grow your email list.
How to grow an organic email list?
[1:30] Jason emphasizes the importance of list building for his business:
- Because I have built a list and because I’ve built it in the way of growing my YouTube phone like we’re going to talk about today, it’s allowed me to very quickly and easily become the number one affiliate at Go High Level.
- The strategies work if you’re promoting a software agency or high ticket coaching, but at the core of it, you need to build an email list. That’s your gold mine, that’s the traffic you own. You can send them to a YouTube channel, subscribe to a Facebook group, buy a new product that you’ve got, and you can kind of just direct them wherever you want.
[02:14] Why did Jason start YouTube?
- I’m not one of those YouTubers that went from zero to 100K subscribers just overnight.
- I was in this Mastermind and I didn’t know it was the Mastermind, like with all YouTubers, but I started meeting all these other guys in the Mastermind. They all had YouTube channels with over 1000 subscribers and they’re telling me how much they’re making from YouTube organic.
- And I went and watched some of their videos and I’m like, it’s not like they have anything special. If this kid can do it, I can do it.
[03:38] Jason’s Full Circle YouTube Strategy:
- I was running a lot of paid ads and getting all these opt-ins. I then sent them to a webinar to help them buy something. But we all know like kind of typical webinar conversions, you’re only going to get two to 3% of people that actually opt in, actually buying. That means you got 97% to 98% that are not taking action for one reason or another.
- What I started doing is I was starting to build this database. There are a few questions that everyone has coming in before they buy a product.
- I just had like three to five videos that I’d go through and follow up with them. And then as time went on, I would release new videos every single week.
- It was building my trust, and credibility. But then also it was almost like forcing engagement with my YouTube videos.
- I would start ranking my videos in the organic search and then on my organic or on my YouTube videos, I’d have a link back to my webinar, to my opt-in page in the description and then I’d pin it in the top comment. And so everything was like this full circle viral effect where I’d run paid ads, get them on my list, and then I’d send my list to my YouTube videos. And then the YouTube videos were promoting the webinar to get people back on my list.
[06:12] Retargeting Ads vs. Cold Targeting Audience:
- I have literally millions of people in my retargeting audience and pretty much all my ad spend now is just retargeting people who’ve already viewed my videos.
- Retargeting ads are much more profitable than targeting a cold audience that doesn’t know who you are.
[07:23] Jason Wardrop’s List Size:
- I built up a list of 150,000 real estate agents.
- I was pulling in more marketers and agency owners than real estate agents because I would do these videos like how to generate real estate leads or the best Facebook ads for realtors and all these marketers trying to start a real estate marketing agency.
- When I got out of my real estate business, my software, it was just a natural transition because I naturally built this audience of marketers that now I just refer over to a high level.
[11:28] How did Jason’s YouTube Channel keep his business afloat?
- I did get my Facebook ad account shut down. And I got it back luckily. Because I have my YouTube channel, it was able to float me and still get organic traction because I wasn’t diving into the YouTube ads quite yet.
- And so I was able to keep my business afloat while I was trying to figure out all the Facebook advertising, band policies, and all that stuff.
[15:27] Getting viral with niche content:
- I thought on YouTube in order to have success, it was all about how big your following was. Which by the way, is not true at all.
- I have different videos for different audiences that I’m trying to target.
- I have videos that are specific to the keyword. Whereas a video like that you’re not going to get a lot of views because the only people like actually finding those is if somebody’s like literally searching out for it or they’re somewhat aware of what the names are.
[18:28] Your business is a funnel:
- I’ve always looked at my entire business and I know it’s going to sound like a cliche on a marketing podcast, but I always looked at the whole business as a funnel.
- The funnel starts broad at the top and narrows down towards the bottom. And when it comes to content creation, that’s how you approach it.
- You basically become aware of the fact that different groups of people think of different levels of awareness of the problems that you solve.
[23:05] The key to online marketing:
- When you’re selling a webinar, you gotta make it so simple that your grandma can understand what you’re selling.
- You get people to a website and you get their email. You send them emails and you sell them stuff.
- You win good karma points with them by sending them to your content that is still designed to give some value first but then transitions them to your offer to copy your agency.
- And I’ve had people email me later and they’re like, “I bought your stuff just because your free content was so good. I was just like, how good was your paid content?”
[30:00] Igor gives tips on catchy titles and subject lines:
- “Confessions of an Email Millionaire” is actually one of the most successful subject lines I’ve ever mailed to my list.
- I was once having conversations with John Carleton and he was telling me how when you’re publishing a book, one of the most important things about it is the title. The title alone has to carry the book because people often buy the books.
- When you’re deciding on the title for a book, when you’re deciding on a headline for an offer, when you’re deciding on a YouTube video title. I think one of the easiest things you can do is look at your subject lines and see which ones generated higher open rates and you know that these will be the top performers.
[34:22] Tips from the top webinar marketers:
- Jason Flatlyn said that you treat your webinar as a living, breathing organism. You never really treat it as a sales letter or something like that because you’re always going to be tweaking it until you finally get it to condition.
- I think if there’s one thing, one area where doing it more makes you better, I think webinars are definitely that as long as you’re willing to constantly tweak it and try out new things.
[36:33] How often does Jason mail his list?
- I have like three core promos that I push back to back.
- Ideally, I like to do a release, and a podcast episode every week because it just gives me a reason to mail my list without asking for something. So that’s at least one time per week.
- I’ve been doing two long-form YouTube videos per week, which is also adding value. It’s more recent to email my list. So there are three times right there.
- I would probably email them something every day if I had a good reason to email them every day and offer value. Because the more you mail, the more money you make.
[38:42] Google’s new study on marketing:
- Google just did a new study and they’ve updated that number where somebody has to see your marketing message 700 times on average before they buy.
- They’re just inundated with ads on all the social media platforms, and emails, and everything is ad-based nowadays.
- We need to be more present, we need to be more in their face.
- Email is just like one touch point. And then if you are emailing like a YouTube video, they click on that. They watch your YouTube video. That’s another touch point right there. And then if you’re retargeting them with an ad on your own YouTube video, there’s another touch point.
- It’s just a way to get multiple touch points. And so they’re thinking about you. You can add more value, but you’re not always going for the sale on every single email.
[40:00] Converting audience into clients:
- You give them the what, but you don’t give them the how or something like that.
- You conceptually break things down without breaking down the detail of how to implement it, because the implementation part, they can either go figure it out themselves or they can now work with you.
- If you’re clearly articulating what outcome you’re able to help them create, and you can clearly show them conceptually how that will be created without going into detail about the mechanics, you already have what it takes to build a business out of it.
[45:05] Learn more about Jason Wardrop:
- Find Jason Wardrop on YouTube @JasonWardrop.
- Visit Jason Wardrop’s website at www.jasonwardrop.com.