The Rise of The Email Marketer

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You can become rich despite your current reality and the string of hardships that make you believe otherwise. Tune in to discover how Igor changed the trajectory of his life and became the master of his Universe.

[00:00] The podcast delves into how Igor discovered email marketing, launched his internet marketing career, and eventually found his way to success.

How did it all get started all the way to today? 

[02:36]  David Dekel shares how Igor changed his life:

  • This person has had the most influence on me and indirectly has been and actually very directly has also been responsible for basically all of my success.

  • Without meeting him, I think my career and my trajectory would have been very, very different. And heā€™s the one who helped me go from just to give you an idea, I wasnā€™t even broke. I was actually below broke. I was over $40,000 in debt.

  • He took me from being over $40,000 in debt to having my very 1st $3,000 month after just about a month of meeting him. And from there it just exploded. By my fourth month, I was already making $18,000 online and that highest month, that first year was over $27,000.

[05:30] Igor shares his struggles as an immigrant:

  • I immigrated from Ukraine to Israel with my parents when I was about twelve years old. And the thing that happens to you when you immigrate, when youā€™re an immigrant boy is you get a taste of a different life.

  • Weā€™re probably like a middle-class family. Then we moved to Israel, and in Israel, we became like we were, like, lower than low.

  • We got a taste of a really crappy life where money was always an issue.

  • I sort of realized that it was up to me to become the provider eventually. And that was sort of the message that was conveyed to me between the lines for my mum and for my dad. So they sent me to this military academy, which was in a different city, so I had to take a bus for 45 minutes every day in each direction. And in that military academy, basically, they bred me to be, like, a junior engineer in electronics.

  • I never had a sales background. I was never entrepreneurial. I didnā€™t have the creativity required to become independent, and my thinking was always very mathematical and very pragmatic thinking.

[08:14] What triggered Igor to change the trajectory of his life?

  • After going through this military academy where the messages study hard. And if you study hard enough. Eventually, after youā€™re done with the army service. Which were three years on top of your high school years. Youā€™d get snatched into a really good job.

  • I genuinely believe that until I actually started the project where I would go during the summer between the 11th and 12th grade, I would visit this military base every day to conduct a project on one of the planes. And I got to meet a bunch of these soldiers and the people who graduated from their army service, and guess what? None of them were happy. None of them were rich. None of them had a life.

  • They were not masters of the universe. They were slaves to their well-paying jobs. And most of them described their job as a golden cage.

  • So looking at that, I was kind of frustrated. Then a friend of mine said, ā€œIf you were really thinking of getting rich, youā€™re doing it the wrong way. Thereā€™s this guy, Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote a book about it and he says that most rich people arenā€™t really educated. They didnā€™t go to school and they didnā€™t wait until they were 40 years old to be rich. ā€

  • So we went to his place. He shows me. Robert Kiyosakiā€™s ā€œRich dad, poor dadā€.

  • I take it home and I read it in one breath, like literally 3 hours later, I was done with it. And that book shifted my mindset from a belief of I can never be rich because I was born into a poor family, because Iā€™m an immigrant boy, and because whatever other excuse I had at the time to, oh, you can actually become rich by having habits or implementing habits that the rich people have. And from that point forward, I got obsessed with the idea of becoming my own boss and becoming rich because I figured that ten years from now, Iā€™ll be just as miserable as these other guys.

[11:30] How did Igor discover internet marketing? 

  • If you donā€™t have any business ideas, if you donā€™t have any business capital. If you donā€™t have a good credit score and donā€™t have anywhere that you can get some money, you should get into MLM. You should get into network marketing because thatā€™s where youā€™re going to learn some skills, some human resourcefulness and selling, and that stuff.

  • I google it and I see the pyramid, right? So the guy at the top, two guys, two guys, two guys, three guys, five guys. All of a sudden, you got like, a big team thatā€™s making you passive income.

  • I look up this network marketing company online called Global Domains International, which I joined for $10 a month. And if I refer somebody, Iā€™ll get a dollar, and if they refer to other people, I get $2 from that. And then it compounds, and all of a sudden, you can be making $3,000 a month.

  • I never made anything. But it did allow me to get into the whole industry of online marketing, where I discovered the concept of affiliate marketing, which is a lot like MLM.

  • In affiliate marketing, you can sell a course for $1,000, someone elseā€™s course, someone elseā€™s program, someone elseā€™s software, and get half the money and walk away with $500 regardless of what the other person does, or with that software, uses that software at all.

[13:35] Igorā€™s trials and errors with affiliate marketing:

  • I got really deep into that, and I even built myself, like, a review blog. But nothing really worked.

  • In every personā€™s journey, thereā€™s this tipping point. Itā€™s either you make something out of yourself or life makes you, right? So I think that was the moment and that is the point where I could have given up.

  • For me, going back was not an option. Remember, I didnā€™t have anything to go back to, I didnā€™t have anything to fall back on. And not to mention admitting defeat at this point in my life would mean total embarrassment.

  • And I said you know what, I need to do something different. I need to change my approach. I need to figure out what exactly is going on here.

  • I started looking at all the people who are what we now refer to as super affiliates. So itā€™s the people who are making crazy amounts of money with affiliate marketing. Itā€™s the people who dominate affiliate leaderboards.

  • I started funnel-hacking them. Funnel-hacking means going to their website, consuming their content, subscribing to their videos, getting on their email list, whatever you have to do to just find out what they are doing, and how they are selling products.

  • Iā€™ve discovered that not a single one super affiliate, or if you take them as a group, they never subscribe to one particular thing. Some super affiliates drive traffic through banner ads, and others swear by AdWords. Other people said that theyā€™re getting backlink traffic.

  • Everybody uses a different strategy. But there was one thing that was always common between all of them, and I always ended up seeing that. And that was they all had an email list.

[19:44] Bringing traffic to your email list:

  • If youā€™re not building your list, meaning that if youā€™re not capturing those visitors in the form of email addresses, youā€™re simply allowing those visitors to leave.

  • You can literally take those records, put them into an email responder software, and email them. Simply email your list. Because thereā€™s always a relationship already, a relationship there. They like you, they trust you, and they know who you are. 

[25:46] Believing in yourself and becoming the master of your Universe:

  • Recognize the fact that it doesnā€™t matter if you start out from the dumps. It doesnā€™t matter if you live in a trailer right now.

  • You can change your life, which we started today. So donā€™t look back on where youā€™ve been. Focus on where you can be in the next 30, 60, or 90 days.

[27:08] Igorā€™s book on email marketing: 



Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.

Heā€™s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list

Heā€™s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.

Igorā€™s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.