The thought of creating and selling your own products might seem a little daunting but it’s a game worth playing. Tune in to find out how Igor made life-changing money by selling his digital products and how you can do the same.
[00:00] In this episode, Igor discusses the benefits of launching digital products as an affiliate marketer, how Igor changed his life by selling his own products, and how you can also create digital products that sell like hotcakes.
[00:41] Why should affiliate marketers launch their own products?
- Not only does owning your own products give you more control over your income and the direction of your business, but it also allows you to create your own customer base and bond with them.
- You will be able to add value to your audience in a way that promoting other people’s products just can’t allow you to do.
- Plus, with the right strategy, you can create offers that practically sell themselves, freeing you up to focus on other areas of your business.
[03:38] Moving cold traffic:
- Most people who are great at affiliate marketing are not the ones who are driving cold traffic.
- They’re able to make money driving cold traffic, but the thing is, they have to start over every day.
[04:32] How to come up with enough good products a year to sell?
- You really don’t need too many products. You’d be surprised, but you are only one product away from making at least six figures with your business.
- Even though you may want to have several products, okay, the important part is that you don’t need too many.
[05:36] The product that skyrocketed Igor’s income:
- I had one super premium version for $15,000, for which I sold three units.
- I would build a funnel and a list for the client, which I regretted starting because it was just too much.
- But the moment I launched that coaching program, of course, my income skyrocketed. I went from making as little as 20K per month, having my solo agency and some info products, all the way to making 60 and 80 and some months. I think in January 2013, I made $119,000 in profit.
- And that was one of the reasons why I was able to buy my parents an apartment of their own, so they don’t have to worry about bills anymore.
[06:56] The worst philosophies anyone can follow:
- Most people create a product first based on desire, win, or passion.
- They don’t necessarily look at the market, they don’t look at the demand, they don’t look at where the money is going, what the people are wanting. But that is one of the worst philosophies anyone can follow.
- You build it and they will come. No, they won’t. They will not come.
- You are operating now in a very fragmented marketplace, with fragmented attention, with fragmented everything. And people mostly no longer take interest in general interest areas. They just want to know and focus on the things that they want.
- We have to choose a niche market, and by doing so, we eliminate the need for convincing.
[09:00] What happens when you launch products without market research?
- When I created my first product, I launched it on the Warrior Forum. It was called “How To Get a Six-Figure Mindset in 30 Days”, and I sold two copies of that for $27.
- I worked for two months creating that product, which was a stupid idea because I never did any market research.
- By the time I put it out there, nobody wanted to buy it because, well, nobody was looking for it.
- On the second attempt, I tried to launch a Twitter course, which was a PLR private label rights product someone else created. And I decided to launch it in the Warrior Forum as what’s called a Warrior Special offer. I sold it for $7.
[09:47] How to find inspiration for your digital products?
- I watched this recording of a seminar by Ryan Dice from Digital Marketer, and Ryan Dice was sharing a strategy about building his list, and he was literally showing a sales funnel on how to do it with all kinds of different landing page examples and stuff like that. And I took that information and repurposed it as my own information and gave credit.
- I wrote a 13-page report summing up what I learned, and then I just wrote a sales page, according to Dan Kennedy’s Twelve Step sales letter formula, and I sold.
[10:53] Where to get ready-made products without hiring anyone?
- PLR stands for Private Label Rights. This means someone else creates a product, and then they say, you can get the rights to sell this product if you pay me like $10 or $15 or $50. So you just do it and that’s it. You have full rights to the product.
- If you don’t want to create that product yourself, and you don’t want to hire a ghostwriter or stuff like that, you can just get a ready-made product for whatever niche that you want to sell into.
[11:26] Igor’s book on email marketing:
- Visit to learn more.