The Ultimate Guide To Landing Pages From Leadpages’ Expert With Bob Sparkins

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Are you struggling to convert visitors into customers on your website? Do you find yourself wondering why people are leaving without taking action? The solution you need is a high-converting landing page and Bob Sparkins, Manager of Relationships and Education at Leadpages is here to give you all the insider secrets to creating optimal landing pages with the power to boost your conversions. Whether you’re a complete rookie, or a seasoned pro, I bet you have one or two things to learn from Bob, so tune in!

Guest: As the Manager of Partnerships and Education at Leadpages, Bob Sparkins champions the customers of the top landing page and website building conversion platform and the audiences they serve. A former high school history teacher and academic team coach, Bob has taught business owners around the world how to leverage digital marketing to impact more people with less effort since 2006. He is the author of Take Action, Revise Later; and lives in Bloomington, Minnesota with his wife, Therese, and their amusing kids, Kira and Landon. Connect with Bob on the social channels via @BobTheTeacher.

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[00:50] In this episode, Igor is joined by Bob Sparkins to discuss landing pages, how to optimize your website, mistakes people make with lead pages, and more. 

[01:36] What are landing pages and why does a business need one?

  • A landing page is a page that is very focused on converting people from one idea to one action, that can be an opt-in or it can be a sale, it can also be a couple of other things.

  • Somebody who is new online needs to have a domain, which some people confuse with a website. You need to have that but that should point to a landing page for the first few months if not the first few years.

  • We have a great website builder LeadPages. Learn more at

  • If you focus on a landing page, you’re almost forced to talk about your visitor, you’re not talking all about yourself.

[06:15] Optimizing your business website:

  • If you do have a website, make sure it’s still focused on conversion, it’s still focused on what are the challenges you can solve.

  • It’s not just a brochure of how awesome you are, people will know how awesome you are because of your testimonials.

[11:35] Mistakes people make with lead pages:

  • The number one mistake that I see people do is trying to do too many things on the same page.

  • Whatever is on your page, it should be tailored towards a specific audience that’s seeing a specific challenge in their life that they want to change.

  • Another mistake that I see people make is they don’t pay attention to the way it shows up on social media channels.

  • A lot of people make this mistake. They spend all the time optimizing their page, they get the copy, and they get the headline.

  • They get the images, they connect the dots between the form and their email provider, and all that stuff, and they press publish. Then they start sharing it everywhere.

  • So make sure before you start publishing it everywhere, that you change the social preview.

[16:31] Start with the end:

  • You start with the end, what is the end outcome, and the result, you want to create a landing page for them.

  • For me, that’s to get the person who landed on the page, to share their information with me, so I can follow up and move them to the next step in the funnel, which I think is important to mention a landing page.

[19:47] The third key mistake:

  • The biggest mistake next is If your logo is huge, on the top of a landing page, don’t do that. Nobody cares about how good your logo looks.

  • Either have it small or have it at the bottom of the page and you know, near the footer, the first thing people should see is themselves reflected in the copy and in the imagery of the hero section of your page.

[22:16] The Hero’s Image:

  • Number four is the hero section. That’s what we call the top section of the page. It’s the most prominent thing, it’s what people see, the image in that section is really important.

  • The mistake I see people make is they put the image, something that reflects the person as they are today. Not as they want to be in the future.

  • A lot of people will make a landing page where they have this frumpy, distressed, depressed, out-of-shape person who’s like frustrated, or, you know, they’re sad, they’re mopey, nobody loves them, everybody’s leaving them. And that’s the image in the hero section. This is really bad because what people want to see in the hero section is a future version of themselves, not their current state.

  • Make your image reflect what people will be like after they use your product.

[23:19]  Using imagery in your offer copy:

  • In the second or third section of the page where you’re talking about people’s frustrations and their current status quo. You can use images that I just mentioned before, you know, what’s your current status like this, so that you tell that story of you wanting to be here.

  • In the next section, you can say but you’re here, right now there’s a gap.” I can help fill that gap with this checklist or this workout video series, this calendar of workout styles, or whatever the case may be, or a grocery list for you to fill your pantry with.

  • Tell the story through your imagery starting with the end in mind. 

[30:34] Focus on what actually does convert:

  • You want to make sure that you’re focusing on what actually does convert.

  • Don’t think that you have to have this really beautiful looking page to represent your brand and your business. Because it might look great, but does it convert, you always have to ask that question.

  • Don’t discount the idea of having a page that is super plain and boring, because it might convert better than anything else you could put together with all the design skills in the world.

[34:55] How to run split tests?

  • One of the key things here that I would want to encourage you to do is just make sure you’re testing things out paying attention to the data that you’re getting from the specific pages that you’re running.

  • Running a split test using LeadPages or whatever tool you might happen to use, can make that super easy so that you don’t have to guess which one is going to be better, you can actually test it out with real traffic, and see which one’s working the best for you.

[36:14] How to use

  • LeadPages has got built in tracking, which means you don’t need third party tracking, to do some software to do some basic dragging, like opt in rates and signup rates.
  • You also have an email delivery system, which means if somebody opts in to receive, like a bribe or whatever the system can actually deliver, then you can store the leads, which is great.
  • And at the same time, which is a feature I definitely value most is you integrate with pretty much anything.

[43:32] Igor’s Free Book on Email Marketing:



Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.

He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list

He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.

Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.