Find out how to market any product or service by finding your marketing sweet spot that taps into your audience’s needs, wants, fears or desires. Use built-in brain triggers to influence your audience to market even the most embarrassing products like laxatives and hemorrhoid cream.
[01:20] The podcast explores Igor’s best tips and tricks to avoid writing boring email copies.
How to market boring products?
[02:00] Using clickbait subject statements:
- The other day I got an email from a weird-looking name. It wasn’t like a name, but it was a statement. And the statement read, “This helps you poop.”
- When I read the subject line, I was like, “I have to read it.” I read this email and it was the most brilliant email I’ve read in the last six months.
- When I read that email, I realized how most people, most businesses, even when they market something that’s exciting, they still do a really poor job of it. And how somebody who markets poop, or pooping better, or pooping more, or pooping easily, can write such an exciting, simple but exciting copy.
[05:39] How to make people read your entire email?
- You can never be boring to your target prospect.
- People will read as long of an email, as you will write, as long as you write about something that interests them.
- They will go as deep as you will let them into something that interests them.
- Whenever you’re writing a copy, an email, a subject line, or whatever, don’t ever let length get in the way.
[08:46] Understanding your target audience:
- If you think that you’re not interesting to the people you’re writing to, it’s either because you don’t understand the market, or if you’re writing about things that are truly not interesting to them.
- I genuinely enjoy checking out business opportunities. I genuinely enjoy checking out entry-marketing products. And that’s the kind of stuff that doesn’t feel like work. And that’s the kind of stuff I naturally gravitate to.
[13:00] Shiny Object Syndrome:
- It’s pretty universal. And we all have that. We all have that, no exception, even people who seem sort of rational.
- It’s boring, it’s too long, it’s spam, too many emails, whatever. You send him five emails a day about bikes. He’s going to open them.
- That just goes to show you that people’s interests are deep into what motivates them and passions them, and you have to connect to that.
- You have to find a way to market to that compulsion, to that passion, to that really urgent need or desire. And then you can write the longest copy. You will never be bored.
- You market to that hidden need or that passionate desire, and you can definitely deliver your sales message.
[20:23] List Building Lifestyle Podcast:
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