Igor interviews Ty Cohen to find out how he made $5,000,000 in 3 years while traveling 35 countries with his family with just one webinar.
How To Make $5M And Travel 35 Countries With One Webinar With Ty Cohen
Igor Kheifets: I’m Igor Kheifets and this is the List Building Lifestyle, a podcast
for those who want to build a large profitable email list and make six figures from
anywhere in the world. If you would like to get rich by building a large email list
while helping people, this podcast is for you. I also invite you to attend a free web
class I’m conducting this week to find out how I built a list of four-million-three-
hundred-thirty-one thousand-six-hundred-and-fifty-six email subscribers at a profit.
Secure your free seat at Igor.cx. Attend this free workshop to discover an easy
way to get 50 to 500 new email leads per day on complete autopilot without losing
tons of money. Just go to Igor.cx to attend this free web class. And now, once again
it’s time to claim your list building lifestyle.
Welcome back to another edition of the list building lifestyle with your host Igor
Kheifets. Now today I’m recording out of a coffee shop here in Toronto, Canada,
and that’s why there’s going to be background noise, are going to be real. Just
genuine coffee shop environment basically because I always liked doing these
episodes as just two guys or two marketers just having a cup of coffee and so
today I’m really excited because recently about in the last six months, I was able
to take my business to a whole new level by doing webinars and have been studying
webinars and anyone who actually does them. And I came across this gentleman who I
heard of before but never got to connect. And finally about two weeks ago we got
to connect and I got to pick his brain about webinars and he really expanded my
So basically he’s not what you’d call a classic type of Guru, you don’t see him
speaking on stage. You don’t see him publishing books. You don’t see him wear
$2,000 suits and flying in private jets. That’s just not the type of person he is.
But what he did is he actually made $5,000 with a single webinar while retaining
complete freedom in his life and traveling at the same time, traveling to 35
different countries with his wife and kids while making that much money now. This
kind of lifestyle is unimaginable to most people right now. And it was all
possible thanks to creating just one webinar. So not two, not three, not five, not
10, not building a whole business about it. No, just one good webinar has resulted
in creating multimillion dollar business that didn’t even like look like a
business because you can just run to the webinar once a week and build your list
and make a ton of money and have lots and lots of freedom. So it is my pleasure to
introduce to you, Mr. Ty. Cohen, Ty, thank you so much for being here today.
Ty Cohen: Oh, Igor, you know what, I’m ecstatic to be here. Thank you for having
me. We’re talking about actually one of my favorite subjects. And that is
webinars, like yourself I’ve studied webinars forever and I continue to study and
webinars have really changed my life. So again, thank you for having me here.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah. And this is exactly why and why did you … First off a year,
probably one of the most powerful webinar marketers out there, there’s very few
people, there’s a lot of people out there who are very smart and they do lots of
great things, which you kind of zeroed in on this one skill set, building
webinars, and you were actually able to take one webinar to unimaginable success.
Now on this call, what I want to do is I want to pick your brain and find out how
did it change your life. First off, how did you discover webinars? And what was
your life before discovering them and exactly what kind of transformation occurred
as soon as you did. How did your business change? And where it lead. So let’s
begin with just a kind of briefing our listeners into, what was your life like
before you discovered webinars?
Ty Cohen: Yeah. So before discovering webinars, I was always a marketer. So an
info marketer. I got started with my first business when I was about 19 years old.
And as a traditional business, for me, it was selling at events and selling at
conferences and workshops and seminars and things like that. And then I’m fast
forwarding maybe about 10 years into VAT or so, 10 or 12 years, I started
publishing books to Amazon, so Amazon’s Kindle platform to be more specific and
doing really well with that to a point where I was doing about 20, 25 grand a
month while publishing digital books on Amazon. And someone that’s in the space, a
mentor of mine, someone that I had always followed, that read all of their books,
listen to the audios, said, “Dude, you’re doing extremely well with this, you
should share with other people how exactly you’re doing this.”
Now, this was prior to me knowing about the concepts of Webinars, right? So for me
at the time, the way to share this with other people was by speaking from the
stage number one, which it wasn’t a favorite of mine, right? I wasn’t really too
keen to go out and speak in front of a lot of people that grew on me later, but
the every way was to literally go to meetups. Now, meetups are pretty big now,
right? There’s literally meetups in every city, every state, and multiple
countries as well. I know you’re in Canada, I think. I know there’s a ton of
meetups that are out there. So I started to attend meetups that … Or marketing
related, author related, writing related which is the niche that I was in at the
time and still am, and started to speak to groups of 10 to 20 people and just
share with them what I’m doing as it relates to publishing books on Amazon.
So now keep this in mind right? At a meet up, I’m talking to 10 or 20 people at
max, right? So not many people and I’m finding that per 10 or 20 people, I’m
closing about two for every two people and selling them-
Igor Kheifets: Well that’s not bad, it’s 10% close rate.
Ty Cohen: Yes. And I didn’t even know that at the time, to be honest with you. It
wasn’t later until I spoke to some of the more established speakers and they were
like, “Dude, this is what savage and this is how you go in and increase that, et
cetera.” But now I’m only reaching 10 people at a time. 15 people, 20 people Max.
And it’s kind of tedious because you got to get in your car, you’re traveling to
different cities, traveling to different states and it’s local. Fast forward,
about a year later, I discovered this concept of doing online presentation, so it
wasn’t even really called a webinar at that point.
And I think I watched the guys from Nitrile marketing, Matt Gail, and he was
partnered with a guy at the time. Oh, I forget his name right now, but it was a
Matt Gail, who’s one of the original godfathers of marketing and I sat here and I
watched this presentation. It was for about an hour and a half and I’ll mind you,
I have a very short attention span, right? So for me to watch and I could barely
watch a 30 minute television show. So for me to watch an hour and a half
infomercial that was online took a lot. I was kind of fascinated by the whole
concept because they sold. And instantly I said to myself, if I could take the
same approach and instead of reaching 10 people live at a time, be able to reach
200 or 300. And it was something like 700 people that was on this presentation at
the time.
So instantly the light bulb went off. I started to study webinars, started to
perform a couple of webinars and hold them on my own. And that was it. I never
looked back, never went back to that traditional means of going to a meetup,
right? And approaching just 10 or 20 people at a time because now I could easily
reach hundreds of people. I think we just did a Webinar, you and I and a partner
of mine and we literally had hundreds of people on here that we were able to
reach. And it was very lucrative.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, absolutely. There’s a good saying, once the mind is expanded,
it doesn’t shrink back. So once you realize that you can deliver the exact same
presentation, invest the exact same amount of time and the exact same amount of
effort, but what changes is how many people listen to you at that time and you all
of a sudden make 10 times, 20 times, 100 times more money. You really can’t go
back to doing one on one calls, because-
Ty Cohen: Less effort at that. Right?
Igor Kheifets: Yeah.
Ty Cohen: So I’m sitting in front of my computer when I’m at home, right? Don’t
have to get in the car, don’t have to speak to people. I’m a little bit
introverted too, so don’t have to get in front of people that I don’t know. Right?
I’m a little bit of a germaphobe too, so don’t have to get [inaudible 00:08:41]
that might be coughing and sneezing and everything else that’s going on. So this
was ideal for me. So it sticks to the phase, the phase of do the same thing and
you get the same results, but do something different and you tend to get different
results. So here, the slight difference was I was giving the same presentation and
till this day the presentation is pretty much the same, same variants, right? You
test different things, you add and take away different things, but for most part
the presentation is still the same, but the difference was how I reach the
audience, so the medium that I’m using the reach the audience there.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah. Not only that, because the medium actually changes the way
the audience perceives you. So just like if somebody actually travels to a seminar
and you come on stage and you’re presenting in front of them, you carry more
authority and your word carries more weight and therefore you will probably have
more influence on these people in the audience looking up at you. In the same way
when you get people to attend your webinar and they actually go through all the
trouble over … And they’re logging in and downloading the go to webinar software
and listening to you for an hour, that is the moment when you create more leverage
because it beats having a video sales letter. It beats just sending cold traffic
to [inaudible 00:09:55] every single time, so this leverage is just incredible. It
changes your positioning, it changes everything about your business, but there’s
also other benefits that people don’t talk about when it comes to webinars.
For example, in my business, what it really opened up was an avenue to build my
list in totally different way. So I specialize in building cold lists, right? For
a long, long time, and all of a sudden I realized that with the webinar, I can
actually scale my cold list building because the webinar is probably the fastest
way you can turn completely cold visitor that never heard of you ever before and
doesn’t know who you are, doesn’t know what you do, into a high ticket buyer.
Ty Cohen: Absolutely. One of the beauties of … I’ve sat and I’ve thought about
that several times over the years, exactly how that process works. And one of my
theories is you’re now reaching someone at their zone of comfort. So you now
coming into their home, right? Most people are watching the webinar from their
home or they may be watching it from their office or from their mobile device, but
wherever they watching it from, they’re watching it from someplace that they’re
very comfortable with, right?
Versus going to a seminar or an event with avid and environment might be new. So
what happens is psychologically, because they’re in a place of comfort and you’re
now interacting with them, they see you as the authority figure already. They’re
in a place of comfort. And now with this Webinar, when you start to staying out,
you’re starting to add some credibility by telling them about your
accomplishments. You get added a credibility, do transfer of credibility because
someone else may have positioned you as the expert. For example, if you and I are
doing a webinar, you might promote the webinar to your list. Your list sees you as
the authority and now because you’re promoting this webinar to them, they now see
me as the authority. So that transfer instantly takes place, in addition to that,
I get to frame myself. The framing is super important.
I get to frame myself on a webinar by talking about my accomplishments, why I’m
the person that you should listen to, why it makes sense to listen to me because
of how I’ve been able to get to this point and then I give them some solutions so
it just totally pre-frames it in a way where they’re ready to literally not only
buy from you, but then I also find that a lot of people continue to follow me on
social media and they interact with me in different ways and then when I see them
in person it’s like we’ve been friends all along. There’s that relationship
because I’ve built that from day one.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, totally. I get that all the time, it’s like where people get
into coaching call with me or something just like, “Igor, I feel I’ve known you
for years.” But because they’ve been hearing my voice in webinars, videos and
reading my emails and that’s cool. I actually want to kind of circle back a little
bit. So you spoke about the transfer of authority when someone else promotes your
webinar, which is great. Now, this is something, again, most people don’t talk
about is when you create a webinar, you get to enter a different world, which is a
world I entered about six months ago, which I wasn’t even aware existed, where
there’s a world of people that have big audiences and they are actively looking
for great webinars to promote. So can you talk a little bit about, how did you
discover this world and perhaps what were you able to accomplish as a result of
having one good webinar and allowing other people to promote it for you?
Ty Cohen: Yeah, absolutely. So I think it’s like any industry or it’s like any
hobby, right? Let’s say you’re a stamp collector, you’re a coin collector, right?
So what happens is you might be a coin collector in your environment and then your
neighborhood, there’s no other coin collectors, but you go to a coin collector
show, and what happens is hundreds of other coin collectors. You guys can talk
about coins from sunup to sundown. You go to lunch, you’re talking about coins,
you go to dinner, you’re talking about coins, and you literally end the night out
at the bar talking about coins. Well, same thing in almost any other industry,
especially like this webinar industry. You’ll find that these people, that that’s
all it is. I mean, they love talking about the webinars. They can’t go home to
their wife, to their husband or significant and talk about webinars because
usually those individuals have no clue as to what they’re talking about. Right? So
when they find someone that has a similar interest, it’s like a whole new world
has opened up.
Now, the big I had a shift for me was that these people that have a list of
vendors, people that have webinars and both of those individuals are looking for
each other. And both of those individuals not only don’t mind working with each
other but love working with each other because there was a value in [inaudible
00:14:42] right? So meaning, the list gets value. There’s value in a monetary
format because both of you guys make money through the sales of the product and
then there’s value through you giving education because most webinars, you’re
teaching something as well as selling, so you’re providing the education. You’re
providing content of individuals that are watching the webinars, so one of the
biggest things for me was to not be intimidated by reaching out to people that
have list and saying, “Hey, I’ve got this webinar. Would you mind promoting it for
There was a moment when I realized that people actually want you to promote them.
They want you to reach out to them, now as long as you do it in the right way,
right? You don’t want to do it in a spammy way. You don’t want to be a pest when
you’re doing it, but if you do it in a way where you say, “Hey, I’ve noticed that
this is your following, that you provide X, Y, Z type of value to them. I have
something that’s very similar to in a webinar format. This is what I teach, this
is what the price point is, this is what the commissions are.
I think we could do something together that would benefit everyone at [inaudible
00:15:50] including adding value to your audience. When you do it that way, most
people are happy. Most people say yes and most people continue to work with you
year after year after year and not only that, but they’ll also go in and tell
their peers and other people that they know in the industry that, “Hey, Igor has
got a great webinar. You should go in and promote his [inaudible 00:16:09].” So it
becomes easier and easier and easier, if that makes sense.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, absolutely, and it’s interesting you mentioned that because
a while ago I had a client who was actually a fellow Israeli and he was getting some
coaching for me for his pay traffic and I’m all about mailing heart and you’ve probably
seen me do it all by promoting your webinar. I was going hard on it-
Ty Cohen: This guy is as a madman. He was going nuts and I picked up some tips
from them too. So that’s the other thing. You pick up tips from no matter where
you’re watching it.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, and I had actually Mike hit me up a couple of times,
yesterday was like, “Hey dude, what are you using to do this? What are you using
to do this? I can’t believe your funnel hack [inaudible 00:16:45].”
Ty Cohen: We actually thought about that and I think this is good for the
listeners too. So Mike is a partner of mine. We actually were together on a Skype
call, on a Zoom call actually at about 10, 11:00 last night talking about what it
is that Mike should reach out to you for? Because there’s some things that you did
well with our webinar promotion that we want a model, right? So you’re always
learning when it comes to this process. You always learn by the things that you
shouldn’t do, right? And then also, you look at people that are doing things such
as Igor who’s successful at this as well, and you model some of things that
they’re doing. So that’s how Mike reached out to you?
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, for sure. And this is really just a quality that’s so common
between all the top achievers and if we’re not for anything else other than being
able to learn which offers convert really well, I’d probably like if I was getting
started with from complete scratch and I had nothing going for me. I’d probably
get a job working for someone with a webinar, maybe doing their tech stuff or
maybe just being the assistant just so I know what they promote just so I know
what those relationships look like so I can study them and model them. So anyway,
I had this client and I was telling him, his name is Vitalis. I was like, “Vitalis
look, you have to mail your list every day and you have to pitch in every email.”
He’s like, “No, you can’t pitch in every email, you’re going to upset them, you’re
going to have them on subscribe or whatever.” Anyway, that’s a very common concern
I get. And I was like, ‘Yeah, that’s going to happen. It was just going to make
more money.”
And he told me something, that for me was at the time I registered like a, we’ll
see way to email, but later on I learned how true that, that it wasn’t the only
way to do it, but definitely was a really cool way to do it. He says, “Look, I
prefer to mail it to webinars.” I’m like, “Why is that?” He’s like, “Well, because
they can position them as free training and that’s easier than selling.” Now don’t
get me wrong. Vitalis is actually not a newbie, he’s made a lot of money
especially during the crypto boom in the BizOpp space. But, to me, I didn’t
recognize how people get queasy about selling.
And so when you have a webinar, when you mail for one, it’s really just a great
excuse to mail your list. And for many people, even the ones who make a lot of
money, when you present them with such opportunity and say, “Look, I got this
Webinar and you can invite your people for free. But at the end of it, I’m going
to close a bunch of sales for you and give you half the money or whatever.”
There’s very few people is gonna to say no to such proposal.
Ty Cohen: Very smart. And I totally agree. One of the tests that I’ve continuously
run from year to year is the test of how often do you mail your list? And I’m
like, you, I mail every day, sometimes I mail multiple times a day and then what
do you mail your list? So when I first got started, I was part of that same belief
system, right? If you mail your list too often, they’re going to unsubscribe. And
then I started to test, if I mail my list content, meaning pure content, not a
single link in there, step to, how to, versus if I mail my list marketing
material, what happens and how often do they unsubscribe? Well, what I saw is that
regardless of what I mailed to them, whether or it’s pure content or whether it’s
marketing materials, they kinda unsubscribe at the same rate.
So the moral is, they’re going to unsubscribe anyway, so if they’re going to
unsubscribe you mind as well, mail marketing material, right? And you can kind of
provide the value in there by marketing only webinars to them or primarily
webinars so that you’re positioning it as, “Okay, here’s something that you’re
going to learn and then if you want to take this training even further, there’s
going to be an advanced training available.” So now you’re telling them what
they’re gonna learn and then you’re giving them a way to add advance what it is
that they want to learn as well. Most people look at that in a way where they’re
very appreciative of it.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, absolutely. And this is really, really important to mention
because not every click is actually equal. So when you mail your list, you get one
type of click, and that’s a good click, sure, if it comes from your email list,
it’s probably you could click. But if you take that click and turn it into a
webinar viewer, that click becomes infinitely more valuable to you. We’re talking
about the difference between getting 15 cents EPC, for some of you who don’t know
what EPC means, it’s earning per click, that’s how list builders measure their
income and their effectiveness and you can take that 15 cent EPC click and turn it
into a $6.15 cents EPC click all because of two reasons. First, the webinar
audience is going to be way more engaged. They’re going to be focused on the
content, they’re going to feel more obligated to buy at the end of it because
you’ve educated them and extended their mind with new ideas if you do it right, of
And the second thing is on the webinar, after investing so much time into that
presentation, you’re probably not going to sell a $17 product, which is obviously
helps out with the EPCs when selling $1000 item.
Ty Cohen: Yeah, you must’ve been reading my mind just now because I was just gonna
throw that out there. One of the things that I’ve learned over the years is that
the price point, it makes a huge difference. So especially when you’re first
starting out, you might think, hey, who’s going to buy $1000 product or who’s
going to have spent $500? Or who’s going to spend $2,000? But there’s a ton of
people that are out there that actually won’t buy something if it’s not priced at
a certain price point. There’s people who won’t buy. But if it’s not Tommy
Hilfiger, right? If it’s Walmart, they won’t buy it. And then you have people that
only buy the Walmart brands, right? So you have to kind of know who your audience
is. And then one of the things that I like to do is I like to train my audience,
so the only types of webinars that I promote our webinars that are at 997 and up.
So between nine 997 to 1997, which initially becomes a little bit hard especially
if you, if you have buddies that are in the industry who had the 297 or the $97
Webinars or the products and they reach out to you. But the numbers make so much
sense, right? If you’ve got a $1000 Webinar that you’re promoting, it takes just
10 sales to make 10 grand with [inaudible 00:22:56] versus if you have $100
product that you’re promoting, right? To make 10 grand with [inaudible 00:23:02],
you’ve got to make 10 times the amount of sales there. So the number’s always look
at that and every once in a while, the way the mind works is tricky. So the mind
will always try to get you to go in and move to the lower price point. Even as
you’re putting your products together, you’re going to think about that, right?
The mind will screw with you. It’ll say who’s going to pay 1000 bucks for this? Or
do I have enough content, do I have enough value in here to justify charging %1000
dollars for? So if the same thing works when you’re looking for things to promote.
Now the one thing that you should pay attention to is go in and run a couple of
tests. Not too many because you don’t want to condition your list to receive these
types of products, but we want a couple of tests where you promoting lower price
point products to $40 to $50 products and then run a couple of tests where you’re
promoting the higher end products, right?
Start at 500 bucks if you have to and then 1000 and then know the difference, know
the difference and how much easier it is to make money and not only that but I
find that there’s a higher quality customers that your attracting to when you get,
of a person that’s willing to pay $1000 versus the person that’s paying $17 or
$27. We see so many less support tickets come in when we’re promoting the higher
price point products versus the lower price point stuff.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, and I agree with you completely. It’s a lot of times it’s
comes down to their investment and not just the monetary investment but the mental
investment because if you pay 1000 bucks, you’re more invested and also you get
truly a higher quality of a person working with you, which makes your business
fun. It makes it more profitable and gives you way more leverage. Now a lot of it
actually comes down to like you said, the mindset. Pretty much most of it is about
mindset and it’s about just asking you for it with a straight face, meaning that
you yourself believe that whatever you’re giving them is worth more than $1000,
which doesn’t actually come down to the amount of content, but rather to the
solution and the impact of that solution, that, that solution is going to have on
their life.
Ty Cohen: Yeah, absolutely. I know without a doubt that for any one of my
webinars, if someone … Now we’re charging 1000 bucks, but I know for a fact that
if they came in and they paid $5,000 and they followed the system and they
implemented and did not waver and stuck to it, it would totally not only change
your life, but it would change the life of the people that are around them just as
it has for me. So now that I’m implementing things that I’ve learned through
marketing and just owning a business, right? I’m able to take my family around the
wall. I’m able to just live a higher quality of life. So knowing that for a fact
that “Hey, if my customer applies what I’m teaching, they will get a return at
10x, 20x, 50x, whatever it may be.
So then, when you look at it that way. That $1000 or that $500 or that $2,000 now
becomes more. I listened to an audio a while ago. It was a series about … Seven,
eight years ago by Bob Proctor, who’s also up there in Canada where you’re at, and
he says the quickest way to make a million is to make a million look small, so you
don’t look at it as a $1 million, right? Because if you look at it that way, then
it’s hard to attack with, super hard, right? Unless you’ve made millions before.
But he says you break it down. So you say I want to make a million a year, now,
how much do I have to make per day? So you take a million and you divide that by
Igor Kheifets: Well, I actually don’t know that number. But I’ll tell you what 10
million is because that-
Ty Cohen: That’s your number.
Igor Kheifets: You got it. So that comes out to $27,700 something a day.
Ty Cohen: Okay, so and you see, so it looks like you’ve had some similar training
there. So when you look at it that way, right? And then you break that down by
hour or so and then by minute it becomes a lot easier to be able to go in and
digest it. You say, “Well, maybe I can’t make a million right now, but this 500
bucks I can definitely find a way to make a million. I can go in and do this and
then I can go in and 10X that.” Right? So it becomes a lot easier. So the same
thing with justifying your price point, figuring out what type of value you
provide, and understanding that if the person that you’re selling it to takes
action, they’ll get results that really equate to much more than what they paid
for initially.
Yo, it’s Igor. If you’re loving the content, hop on over to
listbuildinglifestyleshow.com for more free training and a free transcript of this
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show. It really helps. Thanks.
Igor Kheifets: Another thing I learned over the years is that the price may change
depending on who’s buying it. For example, if you’re selling a coaching course and
productivity to a fortune 500 CEO, the value of that course to the fortune 500 CEO is
going to be way higher than if you were selling the exact same course to somebody
who’s just trying to start their home based business and they’re not making any money yet.
Ty Cohen: Absolutely.
Igor Kheifets: So, with that said, when you identify your target market, you have
to think not about the deliverable you give them, but rather what is the value of
solving of the problem or having the solution or having that new life that they
really want. And so that’s why you can always, you can always find a way to
justify that price to yourself first because once you’ve done that, you can charge
a higher price.
Ty Cohen: Absolutely. Yeah. To give you an example of that, before we went live on
this thing, we were talking about, traffic generation system that I was telling
you I recently purchased. Now, I spent 3K on this thing and to someone that
doesn’t have a site or doesn’t have a product or service to sell, you might think,
well, spending $2,000 on how to drive traffic. That seems a bit much-
Igor Kheifets: On a home study course about how to drive traffic.
Ty Cohen: Yeah. And that’s pretty much it, right? It’s a home study, it’s
information, it’s information and an argument could be said, hey, you can find
information anywhere. You could find information on YouTube, you can find it all
over Google, but what I’m buying is, I’m buying distilled information from people
that are experts that have done this for years and they packaged it all in one
place so that I don’t have to spend time scouring YouTube, scouring Google right?
My time is much more valuable than the 3K that I spent. So if you look at it that
way as well, who’s the audience that I’m selling it to? What is your time worth
and what is the information that I’m giving them worth? What are they able to do a
with this? So now there’s $3,000 investment, I can now go in and 10x that or more
over time. So now 3K looks extremely small when you look at it that way.
Igor Kheifets: Absolutely. Again, it’s all about the relative value of the
solution. So, okay, so now we’ve talked about how webinars changed everything for
you, how one webinar can easily take it to a million dollars, so you can create a
business around your own lifestyle and not vice versa using webinars. And we also
kind of in between the lines that we spoke about how combining aggressive email
marketing with webinars is probably the best combo of them all. Now, I want to
take this conversation next to some of the mistakes, some of the most embarrassing
mistakes that you feel you’ve made when it comes to webinars. So perhaps maybe top
three or top five mistakes that you feel you made early on, which hindered your
progress, which you now realize were absolutely just pathetic. Bad, embarrassing.
I want the dirt. Okay?
Ty Cohen: Yeah. Absolutely. So [inaudible 00:30:59] was, I was doing a Webinar
with a guy in our industry by the name of Joe Peterson, he was the second or third
guy that I had ever did a Webinar with and he promoted me and I actually got this
relationship through another good friend of ours, a mutual friend of ours, a guy
by the name of Greg Caesar who knows both me and Jill, so Greg puts his reputation
on the line. He says, “Hey, Joe, Ty’s got a great webinar. You should promote this
thing.” I went in and at the time, I was being super cheap and did the webinar on
my laptop and not only on a laptop, but it was a very old outdated laptop,
processor was old. The capacity was outdated. Everything. So midway through the
webinar, the laptop just literally blows up.
We’re using go to Webinar and it’s like we’re just right into the close, just
getting into it and it closes where you start to pitch. So where you start to sell
your product or your service? So I’ve gone through the content, we’re about an
hour into it, the audience is loving it, the comments are great in my head I’m
like, oh my God, this thing is going to be amazing and I’m calculating the sales
already, right? Thinking about all of this stuff that I’m going to do and buy and
everything else. And all of a sudden it just fizzes out, right before, literally
30 seconds before I give them the link to go to.
So that was probably my most embarrassing moment as it relates to doing webinars.
Now I had another one where this wasn’t me, but the guy that was hosting me, right
before we get onto a webinar, we’re talking as you do and I guess he forgets to
mute out his microphone. So he does the introduction, I come on, I’m doing a
Webinar. He forgot to mute out his microphone. Someone in the background must have
pissed him off big time because you could hear him just cursing up a storm. “What
the heck [inaudible 00:33:04] I told you to get this darn thing out of here.” And
this is one of the biggest names in the space. If I told you the name, you would
definitely recognize this person.
So the moral of that story for me was to always mute up my microphone, right?
Because you don’t want your audience not hearing something or to hear something
that you don’t want them to hear that they shouldn’t hear. And then the other
thing is just simple, simple things like, forgetting to record. We spoke about
that, forgetting to unfreeze my screen. So one of the biggest things for me was
creating a checklist of what to do before I started the webinar. And I have this
checklist on my desk, now it’s committed to memory, but I would have this
checklist on my desk. Unmute microphone. Don’t forget to record, don’t forget to
unpause the screen. Don’t forget to be engaging with the audience. Don’t forget to
ask questions, don’t forget to position yourself, right? Don’t forget to frame.
Don’t forget to let them know that you can see their questions. And again, let
them know that there’s no such thing as a dumb question. So having that checklist
is very important because before I did not have that, it would be pretty much like
the amateur hour.
Igor Kheifets: How about don’t forget to go to the bathroom at least no later than
15 minutes before the webinar.
Ty Cohen: Oh man, that’s a big one too because I’m always drinking water. I always
keep a bottle or two of water on my desk. And if you’ve got a webinar that’s gone
along that could become an issue and it usually becomes an issue just as you’re
about to pitch and you’re about to drop the link.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, yeah. Trust me, I know. And one of the worst things for me
is, and I already had the pleasure of doing it about four times is doing the
webinar where you’re sick, when your throat is soar. That kind of sucks, which I
really hate doing. Okay. So let me ask you something else. So, and this is
probably going to be the last question. What about, hypothetically, I’m not sure
if that ever happened to you, but what if you do a webinar, you go for two hours
and it bombs completely like you walk away with not having made a single sale?
It’s just pathetic. Okay. The worst experience ever. Like 200 people in
attendance, not a single one decided to give you money. Right? So you feel
rejected and you feel like a loser. Now, what are the things that you look at in
order to change it? Improve it. Do you scrap it all together and build it? What is
your modus operandi in this case?
Ty Cohen: Yeah, so the biggest thing is, and that’s a very good question now, I
like that. So what I’m always looking at are the questions, so I always, after a
webinar, I’m always saving the questions, especially if you’re using GoToWebinar
or some of the other webinar platforms, you can go and you can look at that
because then the questions that’s going to give you the gold right there, it’s
going to really help you shape your webinar. It’s going to help you to increase
the conversions. I’m looking for objections. I’m looking for where people …
There might be spots in a webinar where people don’t get what it is that I’m
teaching, what I’m sharing with them, because if at any point they get lost and I
think a lot of people miss this, if at any point they get lost, there’s now a
disconnect and it’s hard to reconnect them.
It’s like reestablishing a bad relationship, right? You break up with your
boyfriend or your girlfriend. You guys have been separated for a year. It’s kind
of hard to go back and reestablish that connection. Right? So I think a lot of
people screw that up and I even did that at the very beginning by trying to be too
smart. So by trying to be the authority big time. So I recently promoted maybe
last year a Crypto Webinar. Oh my God, this thing, the audience was engaged. They
were just doing well. They were ready to buy and a guy simplified the entire
process of crypto currency buying and how do you make money with crypto and how do
you get in. And as soon as we got to the close, he turned into like professor
acts, I mean he put on his Harvard hat and he just really started talking like an
advanced language and you can kind of look at the audience, you could tell that
they were starting to fall off.
You can literally see them disconnecting from the webinar because they couldn’t
understand what he was talking about, now when he was talking in layman’s language
at the very beginning of a webinar he had and he had them ready to buy. So you
gotta be very careful, they always look at your questions that’s going to help you
big Time. I’ll go back and I’ll look at the questions and then I’ll go back and
revise my webinar. I’ve probably revised my webinar maybe about five or 600 times
over the last eight years. And when I say revise, I’m not talking about … You
don’t have to go back and change the whole thing up. It might just be one or two
And again, you go back and you look at wherever it was, the disconnect, and if I’m
talking about step two, I might say step two is now we’re going to go over to
Amazon, we’re going to publish our book to Amazon and if I see in the questions
box at that moment, at minute, two minute at the two hour, the two minute mark,
people are asking, “Well, hey, you didn’t cover how to do this, you just mentioned
it, but how do you do this?” And then I see people dropping off. That’s an
indication to me that I need to go back into my presentation, revise it, and
include a section that this is exactly how we upload our book and make it
available on Amazon. So I hope that makes sense to everyone. That’s the thing I
know was a little bit long winded but your questions are our goal.
Igor Kheifets: Well it’s because I’ve been doing it for a little bit, these are
the questions I wanna know answers to, right? Because a lot of this stuff I had to
figure out on my own, even though I studied courses, et cetera. But the issue with
courses is like they can never really tune to your experience. Right? So yeah, I
mean, when you say you you’ve tweaked your webinar 500 times, I believe you
completely because unless four month or six months I’ll be doing my webinar. I
pretty much changed with every single time before the next presentation, be it,
moving some parts, putting them in the beginning, set up the end, shortening my
pitch, increasing my pitch, changing the process from a five step process to a
three step process and like a million different things you can do with a webinar
is just a living, breathing organism.
Ty Cohen: Yeah. And it becomes fun.
Igor Kheifets: It is, it is and truly when you recognize the power of a good
webinar, once you’ve get nailed it, even if you only nailed it down like 60% and
100%, you still walk away with at least multiple six figures that year.
Ty Cohen: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s the beauty of it. And the thing is, and I think
we’ve all had that, right? Where you have an audience and you bomb, that’s just an
expensive learning lesson, as a matter of fact. It’s a future … I look at it as
a future paycheck because it lets me know not to do that again, number one,
whatever it was that I did, to get the low conversions and to go in and do
something different. So remember at the very beginning I talked about if you
continue to do the same thing, you’re going to continue to get the same results.
So now you know how to go in and change something else. And the late Jim Rohn, he
said something that, I had heard a while back and it stuck with me. He said,
whether you have five people in the audience or you have 500 people in the
audience, you give them the same exact thing.
You do the same exact job. Meaning it’s a good job, right? You knock them out
their seats, you give them the best of the best. So that’s something that over the
years I’ve had to deal with as well because sometimes you get on a webinar, you
see that there’s only 10 people that are there and it’s kind of deflating. You’re
like, “Oh my God, I gotta to go in and talk for the next 45 minutes or two hours
or three hours and there’s only five people on here.” Right? But it’s a way for
you to go in and sharpen your sword. It’s a way for you to go in and get that
practice in and to get better so that when you do have 500 people on, you just
knock it out the box.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, and here’s something that most people don’t really think
about, and you probably know this because you’re super advanced when it comes to
webinars, but even if you only have five people in the attendance, but you do a
really good job and let’s just say you close two of the five which comes down to
40% conversion, which you can do then as he you take what you’ve just presented
and turn that into an automated webinar that looks like it’s live. And run it
automatically to a bigger audience later on. Publish it as a VSL, equate an on
demand webinar presentation and create a leveraged way of delivering it. You
create an asset. That’s what people don’t understand. It’s not just about the sale
that takes place on the webinar itself. The asset you get after you’ve conducted
it creates more opportunities for you and the more assets like these you’ve got,
the more opportunities as a marketer and as a business owner you will have moving
Ty Cohen: Absolutely. Every single file becomes a new potential. Right? So it’s
like the sports, so I’m not really big into sports much, but one thing that I know
is my sons play football and basketball. The coaches are always reviewing the
video. They’re always going back after a game. They’ll have all of the players sit
back and now review the video to find out where they could have been better on the
offense, where they could have been better on the defense. Same thing with these
webinar files. You get two people on, five people on and who knows, you might be
at a totally comfortable space where you’re just in the zone and it becomes hard
to recreate that. So you’re in the zone and you do extremely well. You’ve got a
webinar that’s converting extremely high on [inaudible 00:42:19] was a small
amount of people on there. As Igor said, that now becomes your file.
I’ve got a few of those that I have uploaded into Stealth Seminar and they
continue to make me money on autopilot week after week, after week.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, and this is something we never got to talk to and we’re
probably not going to dive too deep into it, but let me just go ahead and ask you
one last question. So what is your preference as far as the webinar software
you’re using? Because it’s a common question I’ve been getting.
Ty Cohen: Yeah, for me personally, I like Stealth Seminar. I’ve just been used for
a while and then I’ve tested. I kind of split test as much as I could. I got a
joke or I would’ve split testing my wife but she would have killed me.
Igor Kheifets: That’s a good one. I hope my wife doesn’t hear this podcast.
Ty Cohen: Yeah. So we might have to edit that or else both of us will dead, so I
like split test different elements to whether it’s a copy, it’s the PowerPoint
presentation as the title. It might be of a price point, it might be of I’d be the
color of the button, the registration button, it might be background of the
registration page. And I actually split tested every webinar which is a very
well-known platform out there. I split tested ClickFunnels and split tested
Stealth Seminar. And I’ve done this two or three times over because sometimes
you’ll run a split test and the results are different if you do it six months down
the line versus a year down the line or so.
A few different split tests and Stealth Seminar has always resulted in me seeing
more overall net income as far as higher conversions for an Evergreen webinar. So
that’s what I use now is a Stealth and for our newest webinar, we’re using
EverWebinar, but we’re going to soon be moving out over to Stealth.
Igor Kheifets: Interesting. I heard another friend of mine who got there pretty
cool webinar about list building. He says that he split test at that and he’s
developing his own platform now, but he said the highest conversions by far he
ever seen were GoToWebinar, for me-
Ty Cohen: Nice.
Igor Kheifets: … For me, complete opposite, a webinar jam number one, go to
webinar number two. I haven’t done Stealth Webinar, but GoToWebinar I thought is
going to convert better, but it didn’t.
Ty Cohen: Yeah. See GoToWebinar, so now, if we talking about live versus
Evergreen, if it’s live, go to webinar always hands down, unless like I talked
about earlier, we were talking about always recording and then using that better
converting version for your EverWebinar, for your Evergreen version. But if it’s a
live, I can always put myself in Stealth and I can always get to the point where
the energy is there so that I’m feeding off of the audience’s energy and I’m
letting them know, “Hey guys, I need your comments. I need your questions in a box
because your energy is making me hype. I’m loving this. I’m actually planning on
giving some extra stuff away just because you guys are so cool and so engaging and
I feel like this is one big family.” So if I’m doing it live, then yeah, the
conversions are going to be much better.
If it’s not live, then I think … And there’s no way of really knowing for
certain. But I think that people can really … We’re humans. I think we can
really feel the vibe. We can fill each other’s vibrations, without getting a
little bit woo, woo, to out there with it, I think there’s something to be said
when there’s that human interaction, even if the interaction is not one on one. It
might be someone’s watching the webinar in Spain and I’m here in North Carolina,
there’s still something about that vibrational force that we connect with.
Igor Kheifets: This is interesting you brought this up, because what I’ve noticed
that for some reason people are pissed off at me if they attend one of my webinars
and they figure out it’s an automated webinar. Now, as far as I’m concerned, I
disagree completely. What do you care if it’s automated or not? If I’m giving you
the value I’ve promised to when I invited you on the webinar?
Ty Cohen: The information is same.
Igor Kheifets: You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. And this person is really
upset and I see then the chat. Because I’m monitoring the chat and this person’s
really upset and he’s like, usually it’s a he, some dickhead. He will type
throughout the entire webinar-
Ty Cohen: Hold on, did you curse on his thing? I didn’t know we could curse? I
would have been a going nuts all along.
Igor Kheifets: Oh yeah, this is a PG 16 podcast, man. So, this guy writes for the
whole webinar, does not pay attention to the content and instead it’s like, oh
it’s automated. Oh no, it’s crap. It’s this, this, this and this, and it’s like,
so what? So what? You know what I would prefer for this to be automated because I
can just not worry about having to engage the speaker. I know it’s automated but
we’re going to get a recording later, whatever. So when it’s automated or not,
doesn’t change the quality and the value of the content, but most importantly,
when you cross to the other side of this equation and when you have your own
webinar, you realize how exhausting it is to host more than one webinar [crosstalk
Ty Cohen: Go ahead. I didn’t mean to cut you off.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, so what. What it meant was that one week I actually tried to
do three webinars in a single week. This is really exhausting. Then it went down
to do two a week and then I did the mistake of doing two weeks back to back where
I did two each week, still extremely, extremely exhausting. So I know that my
maximum now is having one webinar a week usually in the beginning of the week.
Okay. And, if I was supposed to deliver every single webinar I’ve ever done live,
I wouldn’t be able to help as many people as I can right now.
Ty Cohen: Yeah. Dude. It was a period where … So two things, the guy that’s
complaining in the questions box, before it used to hurt my feelings. Now I’m like,
I don’t want this guy as a customer. I don’t want him as a customer because the
same attitude that he has there is going to keep him from seeing any success.
And because he’s not seeing success, he’s not putting any effort. who gets to
blame? He’s not the person that takes personal responsibility, he’s the person
that’s going to say, oh, it’s Igor’s fault or it’s Ty’s fault.
He’s not going to look and say, well, I chose to watch Friends or I chose to watch
television or I chose to go and hang out instead of putting the effort and the
time in. And then the other thing is the webinars, yeah, totally, totally
exhausting. Dude, there was a time when I was doing three or four webinars a day.
Igor Kheifets: What? A day?
Ty Cohen: A day.
Igor Kheifets: A day, wow.
Ty Cohen: A day. It was insane. We were doing like 300 to $400,000 a month in
sales and I was so miserable that I could care less about the freaking money. I
eventually ended up being and two other guys, a guy by the name Kennith Krowl and
a partner of mine and another business that I have, Tom [inaudible 00:48:59] to
help present. But it was to a point where we would knock them out. We’re doing a
ton of money, but the money didn’t matter to me because I was just so freaking
like, just not fair because the webinar is just so exhausting and and it’s kinda
hard to figure, you’re sitting down, you’re just talking. How could that be
exhausting? Until you do.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah. You know what? It’s because the amount of focus and intensity
it takes to deliver your message correctly because your audience is counting on
you. That’s really difficult. I mean the same thing as it’s probably going to take
both of us a lots of mental energy to deliver a great interview for this podcast
to the same extent when you’re presenting front of an audience, you still carry a
lot of responsibility and you feel that and it is exhausting. After the webinar,
I’m literally sweating bullets. I’m exhausted. I feel like I just ran a marathon
for some reason even though I’ve been sitting or standing the whole time. So
totally get where you’re coming from. Anyway, Ty, look, we’re running out of time
way, way over the usual format actually, the usual format it’s like 20 minutes.
We went way over, now I know we may have accidentally positioned you as a webinar
consultant or something because we spoke about webinars and I’m pretty sure you
don’t do it. Am I wrong?
Ty Cohen: On occasion, I do, but that’s like once or twice a year, so it depends
on the individual and what’s going on here.
Igor Kheifets: Okay. So we’re not going to send people your way saying, “Hey, can
you review my webinar?” Okay. But, if there was such a possibility, if there’s anyone who
actually has a webinar for you to review, if there’s anyone who is a go getter and finally
decided to create something, would there be a way for them to reach out to you and
maybe consult you or hire you for some one on one work or maybe something. Maybe
you have a group coaching program for webinars. I really don’t know. We actually have
a discussion before the show, but I really want to give you the prompts. I want to plug
something, just so people know where to go and get more information from you.
Ty Cohen: And that’s very cool. So here’s something that I did, so a couple of
months ago, I’m in a mastermind and a couple of guys that are in a mastermind,
they said, “Hey Ty, can you share some of your best tips and tricks to webinar
creation?” And I said, “Yeah, so here’s what we could do. Not only will I share,
but I’ll get some other people.” So I got Ron Douglas together and then I got
Jason Bell and I got a couple of other folks that are doing really well with
webinars together. And we had a webinar session. We put together this webinar
blueprint and it’s about two and a half, three hours long. So anyone that wants
that, I’ll definitely just for … You won’t see me do this anywhere else. As a
matter of fact, I probably only shared with about four other people, but anyone
that wants that send me a text, don’t call me because I won’t answer, but send me
a text at area code 203 526 6031.
And just say, “Hey, listen, I heard you on Igor’s podcast, you talked about your
webinar blueprint. Would you mind sending me over a copy of a recording.” And I’ll
send it over to you. I’ll send you a Dropbox link or something like that under the
condition that you keep it under your hat. You keep it to yourself. The late, not
late, but Frank Kern said something like that to me one time. He shared something
with me. He was like, “Keep it under your hat.” And I had never heard of that
phrase before and I’ve been using it left to right so.
Igor Kheifets: That’s homeboy talk.
Ty Cohen: Yeah, keep it under my hat. What the hell does he mean? So if you keep
it under your hat, I’ll share the link with you and do some really cool golden
nuggets. There’s some stuff. And this thing that Alicia Little, I don’t know if
you know Alicia Little?
Igor Kheifets: Nop, nop.
Ty Cohen: Okay. So she does a lot of webinars as well and she shared some stuff on
how you can use bots to automate your webinars and to get increased webinar
registrations. And Ron Douglas shared some really cool stuff. I know you know, you
[inaudible 00:52:58], I’ve done some stuff together and then some of the other
guys that Ron here had shared some really cool stuff. So this thing is literally,
I would say I really couldn’t even put a value on it because if you have a webinar
about toys that’s valued at a 1000 bucks and you just use some of these methods
and you get an extra 100 sales, that’s 100,000 right there. So it’s extremely
valuable. So I’ll send that over to you guys. Send me a text at 203 526 6031. And
then you can also follow me on Facebook at Ty Cohen. So it’s just T-Y C-O-H-E-N.
Igor Kheifets: Okay, I’ll say something and I think you should be proud of it.
You’re the first person ever in the history of my podcast and we’ve been doing
this for a little while now and I’ve had some pretty big names out there. You’re
the first ‘guru’ who shared his phone number publicly. Now, I’m not sure how many
people actually listen to the episode because a lot of people kind of drop off the
mail, but I’ll tell you, guys, if you’re one of the few who listened to the very
end, you now have Ty Cohen’s phone number. Can you believe it? It’s just
ridiculous. This is truly, truly unique opportunity. I’ll definitely send Ty a
text message if you forgot what the number is, just rewind back a little bit and
figure it out.
And yeah, definitely. I’m totally looking forward to getting my hands to that
mastermind for sure if it is all possible and I just want to say that I appreciate
you breaking down a lot of the things about webinars on this call. And again, I
know we didn’t go into way too deep into the how to’s of webinars, but it’s really
important for me for this episode was to sell people on the idea that they
actually need one. Because I was resistant to this idea for years, years and years
and years. And I thought whether those are just not for me, but you know what, I
regret, I honestly to regret and my coach will hear this. Tom, this is for you,
I regret not listening to you, two years ago, three years ago when you first
brought it up, so a webinar and a list can change your life. A list on its own
changes your life, but a webinar and the list can just … Puts you in a different
dimension. Like most people have no idea a life like that can even exist for you.
So Ty, thank you very much for dropping knowledge bombs about webinars. Guys,
thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. So this is the List Building
Lifestyle. This is Igor Kheifets. And until next time, we’ll chat. Have a good
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Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.
He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list
He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.
Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.