Top internet marketers know it’s not a matter of “if” but rather “when” you’re getting banned by your email autoresponder. If you’re building a list in any competitive niche market like make money online, weight loss or network marketing – you need to know the steps to take to recover from an autoresponder ban fast.
How I Survived 49 Email Autoresponder Bans
Igor Kheifets: I’m Igor Kheifets and this is the List Building Lifestyle, a podcast
for those who want to build a large profitable email list and make six figures from
anywhere in the world. If you would like to get rich by building a large email list
while helping people, this podcast is for you. I also invite you to attend a free web
class I’m conducting this week to find out how I built a list of four-million-three-
hundred-thirty-one thousand-six-hundred-and-fifty-six email subscribers at a profit.
Secure your free seat at Attend this free workshop to discover an easy
way to get 50 to 500 new email leads per day on complete autopilot without losing
tons of money. Just go to to attend this free web class. And now, once again
it’s time to claim your list building lifestyle.
Welcome back to another addition of the List
Building Lifestyle with your host, Igor Kheifets. So if you’re an email marketer,
and especially if you’re an affiliate marketer, or if you’re promoting online
income opportunities or network marketing opportunities, or anything controversial
like weight loss or supplements, anything, you will eventually get banned by your
email auto-responder provider or by your email ISP or whatever. So I mean I’ve
been doing email marketing for what, ten years now, successfully for about seven
or eight, and one of the most common things that all internet marketers or email
marketers share in common, is that we all eventually get banned from pretty much
So I’ve been banned literally from every place imaginable,
including the Warrior Forum, including Aweber, Get Response, Infusion Soft have
banned me twice. The first time, the very first ban that I got was from Imnica
Mail. And I don’t think that that company even exists anymore. But Imnica Mail was
an up and coming auto-responder that wanted to help affiliate marketers and they
were really doing well, when they first got started for two reasons. The first
reason is they allowed you to import their list. So you didn’t really need to
prove that it was your list, you could just get a list anywhere and import it.
Although it helped if you did prove that it was your list actually.
But the
second thing that they allowed you to do, was they allowed you to change your from
name and email every single time you sent out an email. And they actually allowed
you to mail from anywhere, anywhere that you wanted. Meaning that if your name is
John Doe and your email is [email protected], then you could have easily changed
your from name in that auto-responder to Jane Doe and emailed from
[email protected]. even if doesn’t exist. And Imnica Mail didn’t check
Now that was a big mistake, as they later discovered because what it
created … I mean just all hell broke loose as a result. And I remember, at the
time I was just kind of picking up pace with my online business. And I got into
this mentoring relationship with a friend, well who later became a friend
obviously, but who showed me the ropes of SO lists and list building. And so this
person says, “Okay so you’ve got this list on Aweber for about 5000 people, why
don’t you import it into Imnica Mail and email that list with a different from
name?” I’m like “What? Are you allowed to do that?” And he’s like “Yeah. Just sign
up here and here’s what you do.”
So what I’ve done is I’ve started an Imnica
Mail account and I started mailing that list under a different from name. And
often times, I didn’t even use my name or anyone’s name. I just used things like
Access System. I just used really generic phrases and it worked. It worked like
gang busters. Because I literally doubled my income within just a week. I started
generating twice as many clicks, things were great, life was great. I felt free. I
felt like I was really succeeding. So the next thing I’ve done was the only
logical thing to do and I started another Imnica Mail account. I imported the same
list and I started mailing out lists from yet another from name. And I’m not sure
exactly how I came up with that idea, but eventually I did something really
So what I’ve done is, I started mailing that list, through Imnica Mail,
pretending to be the Warrior Forum. Basically what I made the message look like, I
went into my Warrior Forum inbox … Because the Warrior Forum has an internal
inbox, internal messenger system just like any forum platform. And I copied and
pasted the entire layout of the message. And whenever I would email that list, and
I would do it once a day, it would look like it’s coming from the Warrior Forum,
but it’s endorsing a Warrior Forum product.
So at the time, you could also sign
up to promote the Warrior Forum products. They were called W-SOS, so Warrior
Special Offers, and most of these W-SOS had some sort of an affiliate program
attached to them. So it could have been a $10 or $20 product that paid out 70 or
80 or even 100% commissions. So I would basically pretend to be the Warrior Forum,
I would email that list and I would make a ton of sales. I would literally make
40, 50, sometimes 80 sales from a single email, endorsing a product, pretending to
be the Warrior Forum.
Until obviously, Imnica Mail caught up and shut me down.
Shut down both of my accounts, didn’t want to do anything, didn’t want to have
anything in common with me. Eventually by the way, the owner of the Warrior Forum
found out as well, a couple of years later. And he said “People are telling me
you’re emailing and you’re pretending to be the Warrior Forum,” et cetera. I was
like “Yeah but that was like three years ago when I was an idiot.” He’s like “Oh
So he was really cool about it, thankfully. But yeah I did all these
stupid things for sure and at the time they made sense because all I wanted to do
was I wanted to make some money.
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Not to mention that going through
these experiences, I kind of look back at it now, taught me a bunch of really cool
lessons about what email marketing is, what email marketing isn’t and what you can
and cannot do. And what it really taught me, one of the best things that I learned
in those years, was that the auto-responder companies aren’t necessarily
interested in you making money, right. They don’t really care whether you make
money or not. They just want you to play by the rules and all they want is for you
to preserve the quality of their IP addresses and for you to play it so you don’t
get spam complaints.
Now if you play this game with the mindset or the purpose
of not getting spam complaints, and not getting unsubscribes, then obviously
you’re not going to get ahead. Or you’re just not going to make money because then
it doesn’t make any sense to mail at all. So I must have been banned for like 49
times and that’s just an estimate right, it’s probably a little bit more. And what
I learned from this entire experience is that no ban is ever fatal. When they tell
you, you can’t mail anymore, it’s never the last thing about your business. It’s
not going to end you. It’s not going to ruin you. And here’s why.
With email
marketing, the one thing you have that you don’t have with pretty much any other
strategy, is control. You don’t have control over Facebook, you don’t have control
over AdWords, you don’t have control over any of these networks because they
control both the audience and the means of getting in front of the audience. But
as an email marketer, you do have that control. Because even if you get banned
from say Get Response, or Aweber, you still get to keep your list. And then all
you need to do is find another platform to import your list into. And as long as
there is relationship between you and your audience, you will be back on track
within just a day or two.
I’ve had it happen so many times now that getting
banned from auto-responders is just no longer something that shoots up my blood
pressure or anything like that. It used to. It used to be the scariest thing, that
I’ve ever … I mean I would wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat,
checking my Aweber account and making sure that I still have it. Because at the
time I had like 100,000 opt-in Aweber account that was making me a lot of money
every day. But even that account got banned eventually. I woke up one day and that
account was no more and when I contacted them, I pleaded, I almost cried on the
phone, I begged. I said “Let me talk to Josh. Let me convince him.” It was no use.
It was really no use because you see there’s, again the purpose of the
auto-responder companies is not to help you make money.
Just like the purpose
of Facebook ads, just like the purpose of AdWords is not to help you make money.
It is always to create a user experience for the end-user, which is not you. You
are the marketer. You are the person who wants to bend the rules in order to get
in front of that audience, in order to make as much money as possible while those
companies try to preserve their reputation, their whatever, whatever they’re doing
at that time. So Facebook wants more user engagement, auto-responder companies
want to preserve their IPs. Point being is that, they will never run their
business with you being the highest priority. Even though you’re the person who’s
paying their bills.
They will always run their business with their own
priorities in mind, no matter what. But again, the good news is that, what I’m
seeing right now is that the industry is changing. Because I’m seeing at least
three other companies, three new auto-responder companies that are rising, that
will in 2019, really push back and really give a fight to a lot of the old dogs in
the market, like Get Response and Aweber and Infusion Soft. A lot of these
companies will lose clientele for these up-and-comers because the up-and-comers
are now building their companies with the user, with us, with the marketers in
mind. Of which I’m really, really hopeful that they will succeed and I will
support them by inviting their founders and CEOs onto this show, by endorsing
their services to my audiences.
So you will be hearing more from me about that
and I just wanted to share that. If you got banned in the past, if you just got
banned, if you’re expecting to get banned, don’t worry because the marketplace is
rolling in the right direction and things are looking up.
so on that optimistic
note, it’s time to end the show. This is Igor Kheifets, thank you so much for your
time and attention today and until next time want you to have a good one.
Thank you for tuning in to the the List Building Lifestyle. Get access to previous
episodes, the transcript of today’s show, and exclusive content at our website at Also, don’t forget to claim your free seat at the
traffic workshop I’m conducting this week where I’m showing how I built a list of
four-million-three-hundred-thirty-one-thousand-six-hundred-and-fifty-six email
subscribers without losing money. And how my clients are pulling anywhere from 50
to 500 new leads per day on their list at a profit without any list-building
experience. Just go to to claim your free seat now.

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Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.
He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list
He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.
Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.