My Definition Of Success

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Who is more successful? Somebody who makes millions from a miserable job or someone who has nothing going on but still loves their life? Tune in to find out the true metrics and definition of success, and how you can decide what success means for you and attain it. 

[00:00] The podcast explores the true meaning of success and how everyone can define what success means to them. 

What is the definition of success?

[02:45] Igorā€™s definition of success:

  • The way I define success has nothing to do with money.

  • For me, the definition of success changed over the years. When I started, success was money and status.

  • If I was making more than the other guy, I consider myself to be more successful.

[03:35] Igorā€™s conservative upbringing defined success for him:

  • I’m a very typical sort of conservative guy who grew up with very conservative values. So I’ve always dreamed of having a family and a trophy wife. I wouldn’t be able to model successful women.

  • I didn’t see too many successful women at the time because in Ukraine you donā€™t see too many successful women. It’s a very difficult environment. And the closest thing that I’ve seen to successful women was our school principal.

  • Growing up, it was mostly guys. And anyone who was successful drove a really expensive car. They made a lot of money. They usually hung out around criminals.

  • If you had a good house or an expensive car, for whatever reason, they would be knocking on your door and they would be claiming that you owe them 20% for protection.

  • So growing up a successful guy was somebody who has got a beautiful woman and is making lots of money.

[05:23] Who are truly successful people?

  • Truly successful people live a life by their design rather than being hostage to some kind of idea of what their life needs to look like.

  • If there’s some guy who lives in Nebraska, who lives in a tiny little house in the middle of nowhere, and he’s got three goats and five cows, and he’s perfectly satisfied with everything he’s got, and he wakes up in the morning with no internal conflict, that guy is successful.

[06:26] The perception of women:

  • My wife made a decision early on that she wanted a family, and to her, the definition of success was to get married to a good guy and have two kids, which she did.

  • I’ve noticed that since moving to Canada, she got exposed to a different mindset about what success is, and she became confused. She started questioning her life choices, and she was like, am I supposed to go start a business now?

  • If she never really wanted to start a business, if she never really wanted to be independent in the way she makes money, if she never really wanted to become this aggressive, A-type personality woman who goes in and just dominates the corporate world with something, why would she need to be measured by that yardstick?

[08:01] Why are we so confused?

  • Today, we are so confused. We are being fed so much bullshit about what we’re supposed to be doing and who we ‘re supposed to be.

  • The self-help industry tells you that unless you’re doing something extraordinary with your life, then you’re a fuck up, for lack of a better word.

  • The way you talk about your work, the way you talk about your life, and youā€™re satisfied. I think that is successful. 

[11:40] You are successful if ā€¦

  • Every single one of us has a hierarchy of values, and we automatically do things that are high on that hierarchy.

  • For me, my work and my family are high on that hierarchy, and therefore, they dictate every single life decision that I make. And it was like that even before I became successful.

  • You are successful if you’re doing what is high on your hierarchy rather than trying to suppress parts of your hierarchy of values because you think that it’s going to be frowned upon or otherwise wouldn’t fit into some sort of an idea or matrix that you were led to believe is right for you.

[14:32] Igorā€™s book on email marketing:



Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.

Heā€™s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list

Heā€™s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.

Igorā€™s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.