How ChatGPT Transforms Memory

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Imagine having a super-smart friend who helps you remember everything. That’s what AI can do for your memory! 🧠 In this episode, we’ll show you how to use ChatGPT to make pictures and stories that help you remember things easily. We’ll share personal stories and practical tips to make your memory super strong. Get ready to learn how AI can change the way you remember things! 🚀

[01:31] Using AI to Remember Things Better: 

  • We can use ChatGPT to change hard ideas into easy-to-remember pictures. 
  • For example, we can use a star to mean “importance,” a thumbs-up for “approval,” and a handshake for “acceptance.” 
  • By making stories with these pictures, we can remember lots of things easily.

[04:15] Why Stories Are So Good for Memory: 

  • Stories are super easy to remember.  Our brains like them way more than just facts. 
  • So, instead of just trying to remember “importance, approval, acceptance,” we can make a story like, “A bright star shines over a village where everyone gives each other thumbs-ups and shakes hands.”

[05:10] ChatGPT Can Do So Many Things: 

  • It’s like having a memory helper, an idea maker, and even a health helper. 
  • It can remind us to do things, help us figure out what might be wrong when we’re not feeling well, and come up with new ideas to solve problems.

[06:26] Igor’s Experience with AI: 

  • Igor states he has a terrible memory, but ChatGPT has been a huge help. 
  • It has helped him remember information from books and even everyday tasks.
  • He has learned memory techniques, but if he didn’t know any, he could just ask ChatGPT for help. 
  • It knows all sorts of tips and tricks! It can even remind you to do things by associating them with places in your home.

[07:02]  Igor’s Book On Email Marketing:



Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.

He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list

He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.

Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.