💁 Mindset
Braveheart School of Marketing
I spent the first 2 years online chasing bright shiny objects. I was a sucker for anything […]
Email vs Facebook with Chiara Francica
Some marketers (like yours truly, Ben Settle and Doberman Dan) hate it. While others swear by it. […]
eMail Slot Machines
Ever played slots? Me neither. Turns out though, there’s ton of people who do. Why do they […]
Success Lessons From The Bible
I’m Jewish. And I don’t believe in God. But I consider The Bible to be one of […]
Ultimate Guide To Funnel Hacking With Russell Brunson
How To Live An Extraordinary Life
2nd half of my final school year the talks in class switched from who’s the hottest couple […]
Sigmund Freud School of List Building
People are creatures of comfort. Whenever forced outside their comfort zone, they retreat. Even if that comfort […]
Why The 4-Hour Work Week Is A Myth
The 4-hour work week is a great book. It’s an amazing concept. And it’s a great way […]
How To Make Them Cry And Take Their Money
If you’re a coach, mentor or you’re just trying to recruit high quality people into your business, […]
Sex, Money and Bright Shiny Objects
Visualize success as the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It’s a captivating metaphor […]

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Amazon Bestselling Book
Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.
He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time. Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.

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