Dollar for dollar, email traffic beats social traffic any day of the week. This episode is all about email traffic. Igor interviews Michael Bashi who specializes at profitably converting paid traffic into leads and sales. Igor zeroes in on what it takes to run a profitable solo ad.
How To Make Money With Solo Ads Traffic
Igor Kheifets: I’m Igor Kheifets and this is the List Building Lifestyle, a podcast
for those who want to build a large profitable email list and make six figures from
anywhere in the world. If you would like to get rich by building a large email list
while helping people, this podcast is for you. I also invite you to attend a free web
class I’m conducting this week to find out how I built a list of four-million-three-
hundred-thirty-one thousand-six-hundred-and-fifty-six email subscribers at a profit.
Secure your free seat at Attend this free workshop to discover an easy
way to get 50 to 500 new email leads per day on complete autopilot without losing
tons of money. Just go to to attend this free web class. And now, once again
it’s time to claim your list building lifestyle.
Welcome back to another episode of the List Building Lifestyle with your host Igor
Kheifets. List Building Lifestyle show is all about traffic and list building.
Over the years we’ve hosted guests from all walks of marketing, including best
selling authors, conversion experts, email marketing authorities, list building
gurus, copywriting legends and even financial literacy activists like Robert
Kiyosaki. Recently I realized I haven’t hosted many traffic experts on the show. I
decided to seal this leak, so to speak, by inviting some of the most sought after
traffic experts to make a guest appearance and share what works for them right
now. This week my focus has been all about solo ads and the one name that kept
popping up was Michael Bashi. Michael is one of the most knowledgeable people in
the world when it comes to paper click traffic and paid online media in general.
They say those who teach aren’t good enough to do it themselves and I find it to
be true most of the time, because most traffic experts almost never walk the talk.
Michael actually does. Michael’s lead generation is entirely PPC based, but we’re
not gonna talk about Google AdWords or Facebook ads. Today I want to pick his
brain about solo ads, because I thought it would be fun to talk about solo ads
with someone other than me. Michael is one of those unicorns who have a knack to
driving traffic profitably pretty much with any traffic source he chooses to
master. Now he’s about to spill the beans on how he’s doing it with solo ads.
Michael, thank you so much for being on the show.
Michael Bashi: Thank you so much for having me and thank you for a wonderful
Igor Kheifets: My pleasure. That’s actually what I excel at, believe it or not. I
excel at crafting exquisite intros for my guests.
Michael Bashi: Appreciate it. Thank you.
Igor Kheifets: Before we launch into some of the advanced solo ad conversion
tactics that you’re about to share with us, can you give us the short version of
how you got into solo ads, how you got involved which this tracking source?
Michael Bashi: Actually I’m very happy that you said short version, because it’s
actually a long story of how I got into solo ads. I was kind of forced into it. It
wasn’t something I really wanted to do. What happened was I started my online
journey, as most of my audience knows, back in 1999. Wasn’t successful until about
late 2005, early 2006. That’s when I started making money and then into a
full-time income and then on. Not until about 2010 I launched my first program on
ClickBank, which was titled, which was all about traffic.
It was a 15 module course teaching different methods of traffic generation and so
on. That course is no longer out there. I transformed it into what I sell today,
which is another PPC training and so on. Anyway, because this program was on
ClickBank and because I was driving traffic to that program using paid ads, it was
during the time in 2010 where some of the biggest advertising networks decided
that all affiliate marketers or anybody that teaches affiliate marketing is a
scammer, ban them. The funniest thing is I wasn’t promoting affiliate marketing.
I’m sure you know about that, when they were banning so many different people. I
wasn’t even selling affiliate marketing, but because the fact that this program I
was hosting it on ClickBank, I guess ClickBank and it just doesn’t work well with
paid PPC ads, especially on places like Google and Facebook. I was basically not
able to advertise on Google, Facebook, Twitter. I’ve never really shared that
story to such a large audience, only people on my list know about this. This is my
first time sharing it publicly. I was banned from … suspended, not banned. I
still have access to everything else, I just couldn’t pay them to send me traffic
off of Google, Facebook, and Twitter. I could do all the free stuff, I just can’t
do paid. I was like okay, this sucks. Then I’m like okay, I need to generate
leads, I need traffic. This is how I got into solo ads. However, it was a very,
very bumpy road. It wasn’t profitable for the longest time. I was generating, as
most people who are starting with the solo ads or are buying solo ads, most of the
leads were deadly. This is a totally different animal than pay per click
advertising. I had to figure out how to make solo ads work and I was forced to,
because it’s the only traffic source that I could work with at a scale. This was
it for like…. since then and since I got good at it, I’m like okay, this an
awesome traffic source. I’m never gonna stop running that, but now that I got that
going let me shift my focus back on getting back on the top networks, like Google,
Facebook, whatever. I did what I had to do, contacted who I had to contact,
explained the story and thank goodness, I’ve been back on those networks for a
long while now. That’s why with PPC I’m very … I know the rules inside out more
than I’m suppose to. Just to make sure I’m not accidentally violating something
they do not like. That’s the short version of it.
Igor Kheifets: Interesting. I can totally relate to that, because as somebody who
got their start in MLM and then in affiliate marketing I encountered pretty much
the same problem. I think the first time I tried to get traffic off of ad words, I
think I got banned within three hours. I remember trying to start over and using
the same domain and they automatically suspended my account again. Eventually I
contacted some people who were able to call them up and unblock us as well, but
yeah 100% they didn’t like affiliate marketers. I still don’t think you’re allowed
to just–
Michael Bashi: [crosstalk 00:06:58].
Igor Kheifets: Yeah.
Michael Bashi: They’re a little bit more lenient and easier when you advertise on,
like, YouTube. It’s a totally different policy. It’s just that they don’t like it
on search, but they are ways around it. Again, at the end of the day you don’t
want to run a business that is … where every single day you wake up and you
don’t know what’s gonna happen. You don’t wanna do it the sleazy way. You wanna
run a professional business, you know you’re not doing anything wrong. Every
single day you’re generating leads and you’re generating sales and just enjoy the
entire process, instead of worrying about what’s gonna go wrong? What’s gonna
happen? What am I gonna do? Am I gonna get banned? It’s a stressful way to run a
business, I believe.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, absolutely. At one point I’ve had a coaching practice where I
was teaching people how to build lists and inventory sales solo ads. I remember
spending about $2,000 per day on Facebook at one point and making about eight
back. I woke up one day, got shutdown. Tried to get back up again, got shutdown.
It just kept on repeating itself and I said you know what? Fuck that. I’m walking
a way. I’m walking away from this stuff. I want to build a business where I’m in
control. I want to build a business where I’m not, like you said, where I’m not
gonna wake up to a banned account were my entire business pretty much tanks
because of it. For that reason running solo ads is definitely a much easier going
way, especially for beginners. Now I want to shift your focus towards getting solo
ads to work. In other words, lets just our average listener is brand new. They are
either an affiliate marketer or they are content creator in the affiliate
marketing space, perhaps, or something like that. What would be the first thing
they need to do to set themselves up for success with solo ads?
Michael Bashi: If I was to literally tell ’em … If I was to simplify things, the
pattern I’ve seen which is a lot of that pattern is when I started out earlier I
was doing it too, because I was still learning this traffic medium. The top common
things I see happening, the number one that I see mostly happening, is that people
treat traffic in general. This ties perfectly into the solo ads, but in general
newbies and sometimes even experts, it’s both sides and it’s very easy to think of
it that way, but if you try to shift your focus and not you’ll get ahead a lot
faster. Most people look at online traffic as just numbers. They look at them as
it’s just how many people came in? That didn’t convert. This didn’t happen. They
focus too much on numbers instead of the human interaction. They need to shift
their focus into thinking more those numbers … At the end of the day as an
entrepreneur you have to look at your numbers and make sure your numbers are up to
par with your goals and what you want to do. That’s a given. At the same time we
have to look at the numbers as actual human beings, they’re real people, that are
coming and seeing what we are presenting to them.I see a lot of people, they don’t
look at traffic and in general in that sense. With that said, another thing I see
people do, especially with solo ads, is that they go in, they’re like okay …
Solo ads is the cheapest form of traffic, everybody knows that. It’s very good.
You can scale it. It’s a good traffic source if you what you are doing. The people
that advertise on pay per click, they’re like oh my God, I’m paying two, three
dollars a click to get 10 clicks. It’s gonna cost me 50 bucks. Then they go to
solo ads and they say okay, if I spend 50 bucks I can get 100 clicks. They’re just
thinking about the volume. So they’re like okay, 100 visitors, if I can convert
that much, if I can do that much, I should get a sale. Because they’re looking at
it as just numbers, when they go and they buy, let’s say, 100 clicks for whatever
amount and then what they end up doing is they drive that traffic directly to an
offer. This is called visitors and they’re driving it directly to a sales page
where they’re asking somebody to make a purchase on the spot. The biggest mistake
I see is that people are not using solo ads to generate leads and they’re using
solo ads just to try to get sales, because it’s cheaper to get that traffic. They
try to handle it so they just look at numbers, numbers, numbers. Then they see
that they’re not generating results and then they say solo ads doesn’t work. But
if they focused on generating leads they would see that they’re getting much
better results. That’s issue number one. I hope I am making sense.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely you are.
Michael Bashi: Perfect. For me quickly touch on issue number two, which is these
are the top two I see happening. Issue number two is that with solo ads,
especially if you’re doing it at a scale and you’re driving hundreds, even
thousands, of leads into your funnels … For the newbies out there that don’t
know what a funnel is, it’s basically a step-by-step selling sequence that helps
take your prospects cold visitor from a cold visitor to a interested visitor to a
lead to a potential prospect to a customer. It’s how we lay out your strategy over
a period of time or however that people do it. The second issue that I see is when
you’re doing solo ads at a scale and you’re driving so many leads in you need to
have some … I see that people drive that traffic and those are the ones that
are, let’s say, generating leads. They drive traffic and then right away they send
that traffic to an offer and they’re cold and still doesn’t convert that well.
What I like to do in between is engage with them and ask them to do something,
because the solo ad audience, most people that are opting in to your list from a
solo ad, are basically people that are … they could be opting in to 10 different
things a day. Almost everything they opt-in to is basically an opt-in form and
then a sales video, an opt-in form or a sales pitch, or an opt-in form and a
webinar. The market is used to that. I made it a habit in all my businesses …
majority, not all. Some, depending on the traffic source, but mainly
across-the-board what I try to do is I include this thing in between them opting
in before they see the main feature presentation. I get them engaged. When
somebody opt-ins, I’m sure if you opted in to one of my lists, Igor, you’d see
that after somebody opt-ins I send them to a thank you page with a video. I engage
with them and I tell them what I want them to do next. I make them go check their
email. I tell them exactly the from name. I tell them what the subject line is. I
tell them what link to expect. I basically make my email that they’re going to
receive after opting in, I make it known. I make it a present in their eyes. When
they check their email and when they get 50 new emails, they can spot out which
one is my email, ’cause I already told them about it. I told them what it’s gonna
look like. It’s gonna be embedded in their head for them to know what they’re
looking for, even though they are opting in as a single opt-in. I’m not doing
double opt-in, so they’re already on my list anyway. But I ask them to do that
step and I found that by doing that most people, if you know with double opt-ins,
they’re working with about at 50% open rate. 50% of the people who opt-in are
people that are gonna actually double opt-in. I’m sure you’re familiar with that.
Igor Kheifets: Less.
Michael Bashi: Sometimes less, but on a single opt-in you’re getting a poorer list
where your open rates are really maybe 10 to 12, 13 percent. However, by adding
that little thing in the middle before taking them to the main feature, which I do
via email, by adding that I have noticed that my open rates on the single opt-in
are 40%. Sometimes higher and they maintain that open rate even on the fourth and
fifth email, followup emails, until I get down to the sixth, seventh, eighth or
maybe sometimes more. Then it goes down to 18, 20, 22, 23, sometimes depending on
the subject line it spikes up back to 30%, but overall I have noticed a very much
higher open rates when I do it that way. At the end of the day it’s not about how
big your list is, it’s about how many people are gonna open up your email when you
send that email. I’ve noticed that mistake that, to me, has become a mistake that
a lot of people do. By applying and implementing that little thing I just
mentioned, helps increase the engagement and the open rate of your email, which of
course as you know always results in higher conversions, better ROS.
Yo, it’s Igor. If you’re loving the content, hop on over to for more free training and a free transcript of this
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show. It really helps. Thanks.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, absolutely. Especially today when email delivery got stricter and
it’s hard to deliver. A lot of people are complaining about lower email open rates,
even though email is to this day by far the most profitable media anyone can use
in their marketing. To this day I attribute more dollars to emails than to anything
else and I see the same pattern everywhere. For example, ClickFunnels I think
they would work from ClickFunnels. Was having interview an interview Mike
Dillard on the Self-Made Man podcast and Mike Dillard was like, okay so
ClickFunnels made 30 million last year. I see you guys are on social media.
I see this and this. So where’s the majority of your money coming from?
They’re like, email. You know? Most of the money is coming from email, but we
do a lot of social media as well. Absolutely and if we can use this technique to
increase your email open rates that’s something definitely should consider. That’s
one part of it, right? One part of it is to recoup as much money as possible in
the backend once you start following up with those email subscribers. We do that
by instructing them and giving them more information about what to expect as soon
as they opted in, which is great. How about then what do we do to … Actually,
before I ask the question I want to point out what you mentioned about time. The
passage of time is really important in the conversion process. A lot of people,
they want to break even immediately. They want to make money immediately. Anytime
you see any sort of traffic guru advertising they say oh look, we put in a dollar
and we’re getting $6 back. We’re awesome. Right?
Michael Bashi: Yeah, I see that all the time.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, but the thing is that the passage of time is really important
and you have to be able to track your dollars 30, 60, 90 days from the moment they
opt-in, which is one of the ways to run a proper business. You don’t get a
customer to make a sale, you get a sale to make a customer. Then, of course, you
enjoy longer term profits. What about the funnel? What have you found to be the
most effective sales funnel structure for solo ads traffic?
Michael Bashi: The most effective one I’ve seen for solo ads is that being
relevant. It’s not necessarily about how short or how long your funnel is and when
I … Personally I know there are solo ads that traffic medium in different
categories. It’s in the health and fitness, personal development, finance, and our
world, which is online marketing, affiliate marketing, MLM internet marketing,
whatever. I’m speaking directly to that audience. That audience is constantly
bombarded with a million different opportunities, programs, everybody claiming
they’re going to make you rich and so on. Assuming the market is already familiar
with that. Depending on what you’re selling and how much education is required to
gain a customer that will determine how long of a funnel you should have. Long or
short, I haven’t noticed that much difference. It just depends on your offer and
what you are selling. However, what I noticed is that the messaging is very, very
important in terms of not how to say or not how to present your offer better.
That’s always good. Obviously you need to do that really, really well. What I mean
by messaging is that how relevant can you be? When I say relevant I’m not also
talking about how relevant is your offer. I’m saying is how relevant are you?
Basically, they are used to the run-of-the-m … Solo ad audience are used to the
run-of-the-mill same buddy, same people pitching the same process, the same
offers, the same way. Everybody’s telling you they’re going to make you rich.
However why should they listen to you and not the other 50 that are doing the same
thing? How can you stand out and how can you make yourself relevant? By basically
the way you show your sincerity to them by how you’re gonna help them. I noticed
that that, and even for affiliate marketers, actually it’s a lot simpler for
affiliate marketers ’cause all they gotta do is choose the product or service that
they want to push as an affiliate that is most relevant to them. To them when they
go through that vendor’s selling process they see the relevancy in that person
more than the other people. Then you can just push that person’s offer. It’s like
if you noticed some of my videos, especially we were talking today before this
podcast you told me you watched the video with me wearing a red shirt, right? On
that video, if you watched it to the end, you would notice that on that video I
basically brought up what every marketer is doing on the internet now. I told them
this is not what you’re gonna expect from me. That video I just published it
yesterday. I put up an ad campaign today. It’s in review. I’m still waiting for it
to be approved, so we’ll see how that goes. My messaging in that video ad was
listen, I’m gonna show you how to become a successful solo ad vendor, but …
which is the offer which we talked about. Anyway, when you opt-in and when you get
my training here is what I want you to understand. I am not asking you to opt-in
through a two hour webinar. I’m not going to pitch you something when I’m really
trying to train you and I’m going to have a training that’s a sales pitch in
disguise. No, I’m going to actually teach you and show you. I showed my relevancy
on that video, so they’re like okay, this is not another two hour webinar. This is
not another sales pitch. He actually wants to teach me and of course you got to be
targeting the right people. I really want to learn how to do this, so he has a
20-minute video presentation. Let me just go sign up and go watch it. On that
video I also indoctrinated the thing I was talking about earlier, which is
basically the … when I told you when somebody opts-in I take them to that thank
you page to see what they expect in the email. On that video I also show them the
opt-in page that when they click off of Facebook what they’re going to see.The
page that is going to show up. I show them that in the video and I show it to them
where they’re comfortable, which is on the Facebook platform. Once they click over
they’re no longer on Facebook. I show my honesty, my authenticity, and my
relevancy upfront, before I even ask ’em to do anything. I’ve noticed across the
board, not just with solo ads, but especially with solo ad’s ’cause that audience
is so bombarded. I’ve noticed that the more relevant you can be by showing how
sincere you are, the better results you will get.
Igor Kheifets: What you’re basically saying is try to predict the objection and
then tackle the objection before it shows up.
Michael Bashi: Yes, that’s one of the ways. Absolutely.
Igor Kheifets: This is a really good tactic. I actually found out when I was
optimizing my webinar to the same practice to be taking play. It’s really
important to foresee the concerns, the fears, the anxieties, the objections that
may come up and address them head-on, address them head-on, but do it before the
customer she has to ask those questions.
Michael Bashi: Is it okay if I just add one little thing really, really fast?
Igor Kheifets: Sure.
Michael Bashi: I don’t want people to think I’m saying that webinars are bad or
webinars do not work. What I’m saying is look at what everybody else who is
inviting you to register to a webinar. Look at what they are doing. When you
register for those people’s webinars what is the thing that bothers you? Maybe it
could be the fact that it’s a pre-recorded webinar, but they’re trying so hard to
make it sound live. What you could do to be, for example, relevant is say listen,
I am inviting you to a webinar. I’m not gonna pretend that it’s live. I recorded
this a couple of weeks ago. We got great results. It taught a lot of people and
I’m just re-running it again, because I know you’re gonna benefit from that
webinar. Show that side, that relevancy, so people say okay, this guy is being
honest about it. Make them put their guards down, if that makes sense.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, so in other words treat other people the way you’d like to be
Michael Bashi: Exactly.
Igor Kheifets: Don’t insult their intelligence and think they don’t recognize that
it’s an automated webinar. Okay, cool. Absolutely. One of the most common
questions I get, and this is probably going to be the last question I’m going to
be covering this episode. Maybe we’ll do a follow-up episode, because it seems
like we need to give you a stage for a much bigger episode.
Michael Bashi: Thank you, I appreciate that.
Igor Kheifets: One of the most common questions is Igor, can you just tell me
which traffic sources I should run? What’s the traffic source where all the good
buyers are hiding? Of course, my answer is not Facebook.
Michael Bashi: Yeah.
Igor Kheifets: As somebody who’s running a ton of solo ads and you’ve been doing
it for years, what are some of your criteria, and perhaps if you could give us the
60 second version, what is some of your criteria to identify the sources you
choose to scale with?
Michael Bashi: Definitely, definitely, definitely, I am not … If you know me I’m
not a big fan of free traffic sources, because they’re not scalable and they don’t
work. My main thing I always go to, the first source, is pay per click
advertising. Let me be clear about something though. It’s not where all the buyers
are. The buyers and your customers and how much sales you make is proportionately
congruent to how targeted your offer is to the right audience and once you target
the right people how much value are you giving them up front before you ask them
to do business with you? Those are the things that will determine. And how patient
you are, because I see a lot of people, they spend let’s say 100 bucks. Let’s make
the math easy. They spend 100 bucks, they get 100 visitors, they get 50 leads and
they get one sale. It sounds good, right? Speaking statistically, these are
amazing numbers. To a person they look at those numbers and they’re like this dump
doesn’t work. I lost $100 and I only made $40 back. What they don’t realize is
that no, you didn’t lose. You invested now $60 instead of $100. You got 50 leads
and if you got the right funnel and the right process and the right follow-ups in
place you’re gonna close more of those people. If not with this product, with
someone else down the road. That’s determined by how much customers and how much
buyers you’re gonna get. Let’s go back to the traffic thing. Traffic is basically
I personally start always, always, always with … That’s with me and with clients
that I work with, private ones. We always start with pay per click advertising.
The reason for that is because pay per click advertising is quick, predictable,
scalable, and you could literally see what’s going on and the patterns with
putting a couple hundred dollars in. You can see exactly what’s going on and you
could start tweaking little things here and there, because I have minimum averages
that I have to reach before I stop tweaking a campaign and I just let it run. Once
you get it working in a pay per click format and you got the right messaging, the
right ad, and you got the traffic coming in and whatnot, you can easily scale that
just by raising your budget. The other thing is for some clients that I work with
that are local that like SEO, which search engine optimization meaning they want
the free traffic. They want to get ranked. I see many SEO companies charging
people so much money and they’re like we’re gonna get you ranked on the first
page. Okay, awesome. If you’re gonna get me ranked for a keyword that’s producing
zero sales for me what benefit is that gonna do for me? It’s not just about
getting ranked. When you do pay per click advertising and you see before your eyes
in real time which keywords are actually getting you results, then if you want to
do SEO you can go to that agency and say listen, I want you to search engine
optimize by site. The pop up on the first page of Bing, Google, Yahoo, whatever,
for those keywords because you know those are the keywords that are getting you
results. That’s one of the reasons why I do pay per click first. When you do pay
per click also you’re getting traffic really, really fast of interested people,
which means you are getting the results that you need. Then I take those results
and then I upload those results on Facebook to re-target the people who didn’t
convert or didn’t opt-in. Now I got that going to bring the same people back and
some of our audiences to that back. Then once I figure all of that out and see
what’s working, the right message, the right emails, I see things are going. Now I
can go to solo ads and I can hit it hard to get that extra scale, that extra
something. You don’t even have to do solo ads last. You could do it the opposite
way. You could do solo ads first. Let’s say you don’t want to do pay per click,
you just want to do, for example, social media and you want to do solo ads. You
could literally run solo ads first, see how your funnel itself is working. So you
could do the reverse, which is solo adds. You know it’s real people coming to your
site. See how your funnel is operating. If it’s converting well. Now you know that
your funnel is working, keep running solo ads, ’cause it’s getting you results.
Now you can take those results you got from the solo ads and, for example, you
could go into Facebook and re target similar audiences to those people that just
opted in and attract more people on social media. You could do the same thing with
Google, Bing, or whatnot. That’s how I play it out. I hope that answered your
question clearly.
Igor Kheifets: I only have more questions now, but okay. This is where we have to
wrap up and guys, as you can see Michael has a lot to offer when it comes to
traffic. I think he’s one of the deeper thinkers when it comes to PPC traffic,
when it comes to just analyzing media, analyzing everything you’re getting as far
as web hits and you definitely want to look into his stuff when it comes to
becoming a better marketer or becoming a better traffic generator. Again, unlike
most people out there what Mike has going on for him is that he truly walks the
talk. Everything is backed-up by campaigns, by numbers and it’s truly a person you
should be following if you want to scale your paid lead generation. Mike, where
can we go to find out more about you and your work?
Michael Bashi: I have several sites. My main website is my blog at
People can go there to learn more about me, check me out, the different products
and services. If your audience is interested in more learning about pay per click
advertising they can go to, O-W-N P-P-C .com. Or if they’re interested
in more solo ads and want to learn about solo ads or how to sell solo ads or
whatnot they can go to the other website which is I do
have another one, but I don’t know if it’s relevant to this so there’s no need to
mention it. Not a big deal.
Igor Kheifets: Alright, sounds good. So guys, if you want learn more about how to
run better PPC traffic, you want to head over to and if you want to
learn how to sell solo ads, which is not a thing that Michael is actually
teaching. Not just how to buy them, but how to sell them then you want to head out
to or if any of these links are hard to remember just get
on Google and type in Michael Bashi and you’ll probably find at least a couple of
Michael Bashi: You’ll find everything there.
Igor Kheifets: Yeah, to check out. Mike, thank you so much for dropping some
knowledge bombs today. I feel 30 minutes is just not enough for you. I will need
to do a follow-up episode, but in the meanwhile-
Michael Bashi: Sure.
Igor Kheifets: Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing openly. Thank you
for bringing us into some of the things you’d never shared before. I really
appreciate that. Guys, thanks for checking out this episode. This is Igor and
Michael, until next time we chat. [crosstalk 00:34:11].
Michael Bashi: Thank you so much.
Thank you for tuning in to the the List Building Lifestyle. Get access to previous
episodes, the transcript of today’s show, and exclusive content at our website at Also, don’t forget to claim your free seat at the
traffic workshop I’m conducting this week where I’m showing how I built a list of
four-million-three-hundred-thirty-one-thousand-six-hundred-and-fifty-six email
subscribers without losing money. And how my clients are pulling anywhere from 50
to 500 new leads per day on their list at a profit without any list-building
experience. Just go to to claim your free seat now.

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Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.
He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list
He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.
Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.