How do you make your best clients find you?
How to force them to reach out to you… to chase you…
to cajole YOU and not the other way around?
Justin Glover from Results513 Show has the answer.
And he’s spilling the beans in this episode!
How do you make your best clients find you?
How to force them to reach out to you… to chase you…
to cajole YOU and not the other way around?
Justin Glover from Results513 Show has the answer.
And he’s spilling the beans in this episode!
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Igor: Welcome back to “List Building Lifestyle”, this is Igor Kheifets, your host and with me today, I’ve got Justin Glover from the “Results 513” show. I’ve known Justin for a little while now; he’s a very smart cookie, a father, an entrepreneur. He’s got his own really popular show right now, really picking up pace in iTunes, webinar expert, content creator, this guy pretty much knows how to do it all because he’s been online for quite some time now and he’s definitely one guy I want you all to study. So Justin can you hear me?
Justin: Loud and clear, Igor. Thank you for having me, sir.
Igor: My pleasure. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. It’s been tough to get you too. I mean you’re so busy. So basically what I want to talk to you about today is I notice you’re really, really good at attracting clients versus seeking them. Like I see a lot of marketers out there and a lot of them message me too, “help me get customers”, “I need more customers”, “I don’t know where to go to get more customers” but it seems like the successful people, what happens to them is that customers find them. Do you find that to be true?
Justin: Absolutely.
Igor: So how do you make that happen?
Justin: How do you make customers find you. Well there are lots of different analogies that you can use. The one that I think that is the most common and the easiest to understand is like fishing. You have to put out the right bait if you want to catch the right type of fish. You change the bait; you catch a different type of fish. So it really is just figuring out what type of fish you want to catch and where do these fish live, what type of bait do they eat and then you just go to where they live and you put the bait in that you know that they eat and you’re going to catch that type of fish that you want to catch.
Igor: Well that’s not the first time I’ve heard this analogy. I believe I heard Gary Bencivenga share something about fishing and yeah you’re absolutely right. So then what would qualify as bait if we’re talking about online marketing?
Justin: I put out a lot of free content. Depending on how in depth you want to get here, the free content is sort of like – it attracts people. That is the ungated stuff that they can consume that helps them, that legitimately helps them get over a problem or a challenge that they currently have, they find your free content, they go through it and consume it and say, “Man, this is helpful” just like this podcast.
They consume an episode and say “This was helpful, I want to learn more” so maybe then they go from listening to your free thing or reading your free article or whatever and they give you their email address and from there you develop the relationship and just continue it on.
Igor: Yeah, absolutely. Okay so do you do how-to content, like you literally put up the video that shows how to build a squeeze page or are you more of a philosophical marketer type where you introduce a DS concept – new ways of thinking that allows them to take much better control over their life?
Justin: So I think it really depends on what type of person you’re serving like it really does go back to the person that you’re serving and getting really, really clear on that because that will determine what type of show or what type of content or what type of free value you want to put out that will attract them either easily or you’ve got to change it up. So for me, I keep things simple like I want to attract a certain type of person so I go and I find where those people hang out and I go and I start conversations. I have conversations and find out what are the challenges that they have in their business, what are the struggles and then I go back and I create content specifically for that and then I go back to them and I say, “Hey, I created some content specifically for that” not necessarily in those words but that’s how I find my content that I create.
Igor: Oh nice, so this is really powerful by the way. So you go and find the people that you want to serve. You basically first you get clear on your ideal market, we’re going to talk about that in a tiny bit here and so then you go where these people hang out and you just point blank ask them what their biggest problems are. So am I right to assume that the content you’re putting out is basically focusing on their fears, insecurities, misconception that they have about whatever it is that they’re trying to achieve?
Justin: In some cases, yeah. In other cases, it’s very tactical. They are stuck. People get stuck where they get stuck so in some cases I’ll approach somebody that I know is within my ideal customer avatar so to speak so I’ll approach them and we’ll start a conversation and they will be stuck and I’ll be able to see it that they are just stuck because they don’t know how to do this simple strategy or they’re not making money from their email list or they’re not whatever. So I’ll go and create a piece of content that just shows them something simple that they can use that will get them unstuck. It really depends on the person with the approach that I take.
Igor: It looks like everything depends on the person. It’s like the more I study marketing and the deeper I get and it doesn’t matter how many years I’ve been doing this, it always like, it comes down to who the hell are you trying to sell to, who the hell are you trying to market to because it’s their perception and their world is what matters, right when you create it?
Justin: Absolutely. I did a podcast the other day, this guy he has a show on like on your number one business mistake. So it got me to thinking like what was my number one business mistake so I spent this time looking back. I’ve grown two businesses from scratch over seven figures, one of them completely failed.
Igor: Right.
Justin: You would think that my number one business mistake would have been in that failure but it actually wasn’t. It was somewhere else and after a lot of reflection and a lot of thought. I’m not going to go into the details here but the point his my number one business mistake was a I started a business and I jumped too early without knowing who getting really, really, really, really, really clear on who I was serving; that was my number one business mistake.
Igor: Yeah, I can totally relate to that by the way. You know what I did? I went out there and I started putting out content to attract guys like me. That was the biggest mistake ever. I was not my best customer, not in a million years and I spent a lot of time trying to figure that out and it was only after I realized you know exactly who that person was for me is when everything changed and all of a sudden things just became smoother like it seemed like anything that I put out converts as if magically and people from the outside would like be looking in and I would be like here is what I’m doing and they would be like “whoa you’re succeeding because you’re Igor Kheifets”. I’m like “what the hell does that mean?” I’m flesh and blood and I’m Jewish so like you have advantages over me. So you create a ton of content by the way, like you do a daily show.
Justin: Every day.
Igor: That’s ridiculous. How are you doing it?
Justin: You know I’m sort of documenting the journey on the show but batch processing has a lot to do with it. I set down and just because I have a daily show and episodes are going live every day doesn’t mean I actually record them live and have to show up every day. For the last little bit that has been the case. [laughter] I’m working towards like the ideal, the dream for me is to have this daily show running where I’m just working two days a week or less and everything is done. The only way that you can do that is by leveraging stuff like batch processing. I also realize that there is a lot of moving parts to the puzzle that I won’t be able to continue to do long term so finding the right people and making that happen so it’s a journey. It’s a journey, I’ve done it before and I know it’s possible so that keeps me going when I have days where I am just working late at night and thinking man why did I start this daily show. Why did I commit to seven days a week? [laughter]
Igor: [laughter] You know I wake up every morning like why did I even become an email marketer? Do I really need people hitting the spam button? Do I really need this in my life? I’ve got enough problems. My kid won’t eat bread, that has been driving me insane for the past two months, so why the hell do I do but anyway we do it because we love it, man. Let’s face it.
Justin: That’s right.
Igor: Okay so had a really good question to ask you.
Justin: Before I threw you off?
Igor: Yes. Alright here is the really good question, so obviously you’re an experience guy like if I sit you down with a microphone, a cup of coffee and a diaper you can just go on for 24 hours without shutting up. We all can. We’ve been doing this for such a long time that we can talk about for days. But the majority of my audience are newbies, you know beginners. They are less than 2 years online; that’s nothing. How do they go about creating good content? How do they go about putting out one piece of content every day whether it’s a daily show, a YouTube video, a blog post, an email which would be really, really relevant for anyone who works with me, like where do you come up ideas? Do you have any formulas? Do you have any standard approaches you use when you lack creativity that day? Tell us a little bit more about that.
Justin: Yeah, so the very first thing that you’re going to want to do is open up a Word document or whatever. I use Evernote and I do what I call a blog storm. It starts with me writing like the goal is to get to 100 blog post titles. So I’m writing blog titles like blog headlines, the names of the posts, not ideas for what I’ll talk about. I’m writing the actual headlines. So by writing the headline and doing it from that perspective that sort of mental capacity, it forces me to think more specifically about that topic so what three marketers said about 2016 or whatever so now I know that that piece of content has to have input from three different marketers. So I got go and find that content, find those marketers or whatever. It gives me that sort of framework. So sitting down and just brainstorming titles and doing this blog storm, sit down and get to 25 and then expand that to 50 titles and then expand that to 100. When you’re sitting looking at a list of 100 blog post titles, it’s a lot easier to create content from there. You don’t have to use all of them. You’re titles get better. There will be some that jump off the page at you and you’re like man that’s a really good one. I’m excited to write that post or to create a piece of content around that. So those are the ones that when I’m going through and reading them, I’ll bold those. Then I will turn those into, I create an extra Evernote folder, an Evernote file and I start expanding. I’ll bold it and create its own then alright I’ve got this title now I’m going to spend five minutes or so just sort of typing up what I think this post will be about. Then there is sort of a formula that you can use for when you’re creating content; there are four questions that you want to answer. If you answer those four questions, you’ll pretty much create really good content. So what is it? Why is it important? And how do you do it? And then what happens if you don’t do it? I originally heard Jeff Walker talk about this and if you imagine a quadrant and you just start with what is the thing that you’re talking about? You just tell them. Then why is this thing important to them? How do you do this thing? And then what happens – what does your life look like if you don’t do this thing? That’s how I actually create the content. Usually I’ll start from a title, I’ll write those four words. I’ll write how and then I will write a sentence you know like what is it or how do you do it or why is it important. Just write one or two sentences whenever I first create that idea for that content. What that does I just go through a process, basically I just schedule time to do a blog storm and I’m doing nothing but writing titles. Then I schedule another time, when I’m doing nothing but sort of expanding those titles into outlines of content. Then I have another time on the calendar where I do nothing but sit down at one of those things where I’ve already got an outline of content and I hit record and I’m recording the contents. It’s just about finding the individual steps and things you’ve got to do and then scheduling them in batch processing for me.
Igor: Nice. Nice. First off, thank you for sharing that, this is really, really good. You don’t hear about almost anyone talk about it on their blog. So I really appreciate you sharing this strategy. Now second, Evernote fricking rocks. I’ve been using Evernote about two years now. A friend got me hooked and I use it for everything like literally there is nothing that I put down on paper that doesn’t end up in my Evernote just because it’s so easy. It syncs with all my devices. I can go back to it anytime I want and it’s really, really useful stuff. I recommend you guys get it. I got Evernote Premium so I can store big files but again great, great software and I actually do the same thing. I didn’t realize it but I do the same thing. I got like a note that’s called “Email Folder” where I just put down ideas what I can either talk about on videos or write emails about and I only started doing that conscientiously about two months ago when I started the podcast because all of a sudden getting my ideas on paper became really important. Like I could sit down and write an email and just come up with that idea as I sit down but with that podcast, you really have to get clear about what you’re going to talk about so I decided to put down lots and lots of ideas on paper so right now I have 223 ideas all in my email folder list. I use probably 20 maybe 40 of them, the rest is either going to wait and not ever going to be used or I’m going to use it sometime in the future like I put down quite a few today as well because sometimes you get those days, right Justin, like when all of a sudden ideas just flow and then other days you just get none.
Justin: Absolutely.
Igor: It’s great to keep track. I want to add another tip to whoever is listening, if you’re brand new like let’s just say you’re brand new and your creativity levels are one of a rotten banana. So you’re not creative at all. So the easiest thing you can do to create content and to come up with the ideas for content is use your mess. My mentor, Tom Beal says, “Your mess is your message.” Meaning that you take your own life stories and you turn those into lessons that you share with your audience and I find it to be extremely useful, like really, really useful especially when you got no idea professionally of the industry you’re in at that point. So how do you feel about that – how do you feel about sharing stories from your personal life?
Justin: I think that’s great. I mean people love stories. I was interviewing somebody a few weeks ago and he has made multiple, multiple millions of dollars on his different businesses and he says you know what nobody wants to know the stuff anymore that made me all my money. Everybody just wants to know the stories now. [laughter] That’s true. People love stories. They resonate with them so your story is your story. The people that connect with it will – well, it’s very easy because you know your story. I love that. One thing that I would like to add on to that is the skill of creativity. I wish this is something that somebody would have taught me when I was new. It’s a little bit sort of ninja kind of stuff that I talk about on my show but like I said I really wish somebody would have told me this on my show but the skill of creativity can be – it’s a learned skill. So you can spend time focusing like working your creative side of your brain, working your creative muscle so to speak and you can get to where you become a more creative person. I won’t go on too long about this. But a simple exercise you can do is set an alarm for one minute and just imagine things like try to see shapes and words and colors and things that you never seen before like new things that you’ve imagined. Things that you’ve never imagined in your entire life just close your eyes, set an alarm for one minute and just do that once a day. If you do it at the same time every day, you do it for a few weeks, you’ll start to notice that just your creative idea come to you a little bit easier. There’s lots of different exercises and little hacks like that but that is just one thing with the skill of creativity you can actually learn it. I would highly recommend people listening if you’re new starting out maybe just understand that and then put something in practice that will contribute to your creativity.
Igor: You know Justin, I completely agree with you that you can learn creativity but I actually don’t call it creativity to be honest with you. I do come across as quite a creative person. I also like to think of myself as sexy and funny and good looking but no one seems to agree. But I definitely am considered to be creative based on the emails that I write which seems to be something that I became famous for. People do think that I was born this way. But truth be told, I was never creative. First off, I was never funny growing up, like whenever I would try to make a joke or say something funny people would look at me, you know that look, it’s like “just shut the hell up and be quiet”.
Justin: [laughter]
Igor: So when I got into marketing I realized that the people who were getting ahead, they seemed creative. Then I started studying this and I realized that creativity had more to do with your discipline than it does with the natural skill set that you’re born with. I don’t think creativity is part of your DNA or anything like that. I think it’s something that you develop only after you’re able to sit your ass down, lock yourself in a room and then put pen to paper or hand to keyboard or whatever and really just squeeze this stuff out of your brain at first. Then you create a habit like you said, you eventually create a habit when it just flows supposedly without smoking anything funny or drinking. I really don’t do any of that stuff and I’m still getting away with good ideas. Now there are two books that I want to recommend to you guys, it’s “War of Art” which is a great book on creativity.
Justin: I just finished that like three days ago. [laughter]
Igor: It’s a great book isn’t it?
Justin: Great book.
Igor: Great book, one of my all-time favorites. So it will teach you why creativity has more to do with your discipline than it does with anything else and also winning the creative battles. I think the book is called – by Twyla something, I’m sorry I’m not good with names but winning the creative battles, I’m sure you’ll find it on Amazon. (“The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use it for Life” by Twyla Tharp) Get that too. It’s written by a dancer, a lady who is a dancer who is like world famous and she, as well, talks about how creativity is more to do with the discipline and showing up at the same place at the same time every day and then making yourself work hard and it’s not about smoking the funny stuff. So I really appreciate you for bringing this up because a lot of people do believe that creativity has everything to do with natural talent and thus of course they don’t try to do anything about it. Right?
Justin: Right.
Igor: Cool. So we’ve been talking a lot about the ideal client, okay and we don’t have much time left but just briefly give us a few tips on how to find the ideal client? How to build that ideal customer avatar? Maybe some questions we can ask ourselves that will help us develop that?
Justin: Got it. So I just did an episode about this the other day so it really depends on whenever you’re looking for your ideal client. The best thing that you can do is just ask. There are a couple of different approaches. I mean if you already know the type of person that you’re attracting. If you already attracting people, is that what we are talking about the people that you already have and you want to find out more about them or is this creating somebody from your imagination from scratch?
Igor: Well, no let’s just assume I’m a member of a company, a home-based business company, and I’m speaking to people and every now and again I hit a great prospect, somebody who is just listening to me and who is engaging me and someone who is like when I say okay now it’s time to buy they say, “Okay, great where do we start” and they take action and they become a part of my team. That sort of person I want but most people that I talk to are nothing like that.
Justin: Got it, so you go and find – what I would do is I would go to that person and I would have probably multiple conversations with them find out where they hang out, find out what websites they visit, find out what groups they are hanging out in on Facebook and all of that because you want more of those people. People tend to hang around with the people that they’re similar to so that’s the approach I would take.
Igor: So birds of feather flock together.
Justin: Yup.
Igor: As the old saying goes. Awesome. So for that to happen, guys, you need to get clear on who is that who you want so if you still haven’t done any of that that’s the first thing on your to-do list tonight is to sit down and ask yourself who is the ideal client that you want to have in your business. Is it the rich guy who’s just like the CEO who’s tired of his day job? Is it the Wall Street broker who got discouraged in the business model and whole industry because the whole mortgage industry is a scam? Is it the real estate broker and the market is down so he’s now looking for alternative ways to make money from home? Like you’ve got to ask yourself these questions because unless you know exactly where you want to be, exactly where you want to end up, your internal GPS ain’t going to take you there. It’s not going to happen. So you’ve done great. You’ve shared a lot of amazing value. I’m really grateful that you took the time to come down and sit down and do this. If our listeners want to find out more about you and your show, what do we do? Where do we go?
Justin: Yeah, so you can go to; that will take you to our blog. It’s a daily show. It’s a show for high performing entrepreneurs, people who want to step into their power, take their game to the next level so lots of creative hacks and bio hacks and marketing material and, you know, business growth stuff and there’s some advanced stuff. There’s content every single day. Every day it’s in the form of video, it’s in the form of audio and it’s in the form of text so however you prefer to consume, you can do that. Again
Igor: Thank you. That’s Justin again, I’m so grateful. Thank you so much for doing this and until next time.
Justin: Absolutely, thank you.
Thanks for tuning into The List Building Lifestyle show, if you’re digging what you’re hearing your next step is to go to iTunes and in the search bar type List Building Lifestyle. You’ll see Igor’s face smiling at you. Go ahead and click on that, subscribe to the show and if you’re feeling really generous and you want to help us out, give us your ratings and review to help other smart people like you find the show. Thanks for tuning in and we will see you on the next one.
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Igor Kheifets is an amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire.
He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list
He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time.
Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle.